Actually, “unemployed” is how the Obama administration thinks it can protect its criminal employees. I bet there’s more going on here than we know.
Lois Lerner and a host of others have “retired” or “resigned” when the heat has been turned up on some particular government criminal activity. Obama tries to pin the blame on some apparatchik or even head honcho and then thinks getting rid of that person is going to protect him and obscure the connections. So far, I guess he’s been correct in that assumption.
Who was Lois Lerner working for when all this crap was formulated? Little Timmy Geithner was in charge of the Treasury Department at the time ...
A real conservative Republican, if he got in power with a House and Senate that is Republican, too, would charge the the FBI and the DOJ to investigate and indict, try and convict these criminals - EVERYONE OF THEM.