Pretty sure the Imperial Walkers will hand them their asses.
1) The Canadian Arctic Security assessment is wrong, because it is based on the premise of a NATO friendly Russia. Such is clearly NOT the case Now, nor will it be in the future.
2) Your spurious recital of lack of ethnic Russians in the Canadian North makes no intelligent assessment of the exploration opportunities for oil under the sea ice on Canadas Northern Coasts, or the history of Russian involvement there.In fact Russia has claimed sovereignty over them, while Canada poofters on about mutual exploitability because it cannot enforce its sovereignty there.Only Russia has the resources to claim and enforce such sovereignty at this time, Canada does not.
3) The USA now will not honor its security agreements with allies such as Japan, Canada or Great Britain under the current leftist administration which has become apologetic for the exercise of its so called neo colonial military power. Obama is weak internationally and will not use military force on behalf of non minority and ethnic allies who are Caucasian or Asian. So Canada , Israel and Japan know that they are on their own, but the Canadian public does not...yet.
4) Yes 50% of Canada’s budget is indeed taken up by its socialized medicine system and other transfer payments and social programs.
That must change if we are to secure the Northern reaches of our nation ( Canada), and its rich natural resources.Hard times are ahead.And whats more, poofters like Justine Trudeau are not the caliber of politician we need to see us through, and the Canadian left is absolutely culturally blind to the Russian threat, and would be in denial even if Vlad the Shirtless marched into Ottawa with a Division of Troops, with Justin Trudeau hanging from a Russian flag pole on parade. Very much just like you are in denial.
Military spending by the Harper government must increase ASAP, and the CAF must undergo a rapid growth. Canada also must have FOBs in the North, just as Russia does.
Or we had better start moving our bilinual language policies over to a tri-lingual version to include Russian.