Measured IQ correlates strongly to material, social, and familial success. It correlates very strongly negatively to criminal behavior, drug abuse, illegitimacy, and tendency to violence.
"Wisdom," -- whatever that is -- does not mitigate it, or the statistics would not be what they are.
Your stature analogy is apt of your misunderstanding. You are attempting to compare vague ideas which cannot be measured to things that can be. The failure of black students [on average] across a variety of metrics is quantifiable. So is the fact that they have [on average] less capacity to work with. "Wisdom" is not measurable, correlates to nothing, and is not even well nor universally defined.
What is the cause and what is the effect?
Could it be that unwise use of brains dampens down so called “intelligence”?
It strikes me as very unwise to reduce intelligence to a one number quantity. If even psychological sciences were done justice, intelligence might be a ten value vector. And none of it would state what wisdom is.