Being white is not the reason for low crime. A cultural adherence to a value set that comes from a long history of thought and philosophy and religion is THE why. “Whites” did not magically pop into existence as better people it took thousands of years of struggle, violence and bloodshed to forge western thought. But we have thrown it away in one generation. I hope this experiment will eventually put us back on the right track, but i doubt it. A new dark age is more likely. A 1000 years perhaps and much misery.
Being white is not the reason for low crime.
"Being white is... the reason for low crime" is not what I said.
It's a good idea to cite what someone says before commenting on it, just to be sure you're getting it right.
In fact, though there is a higher statistical correlation with black violent crime than with white violent crime, correlation is not the same as causation, or as you put it "the reason for".
That said, whatever the causes may be, and whether you're black or white, you're less likely to be robbed, stabbed, shot, raped, etc, if you live in an area that's 95% white than 95% black. John Derbyshire in
The Talk: Non-black Version was right.