Well, here’s a test. If the Tea Party can’t get behind ONE candidate instead of splitting the vote and letting Lindsay Graham win his primary, it may as well be dead.
Stupid ideological purity wars aren’t going to get our nation out of the dire trouble it is in. Winning elections will. And the TP better start to act like it.
How many times must it be said? SC requires a candidate to get over 50% of the vote or face a runoff. It doesn’t matter how many candidates oppose Linda, if collectively they can chew more than 50% off, then they are naturally united behind the one candidate that goes to runoff. Ask Ted Cruz if it’s possible to get into office that way.
“Stupid ideological purity”
The opposite of purity is corruption. How much corruption if OK Illegals? Gays? Gutted military? Conservative ‘Purity” isn’t difficult. It’s actually a pretty low bar. Yet it’s one that most can’t seem to crawl over.
Want a “Win”? At what cost? The last ‘winner’ got beat by an illegal muslim with no history and a lot of negatives.
Or you could just vote for dems so you can say 'my guy won!'