Now that “your name is Toby” scene from “Roots” came to mind, only starring zombies.
“Graaagh ur naaaaa!”
“Gurkk. Gukka gikka!”
*whip barely moves, zombie slaver sorta wobbles and drools*
“Tooooograaaa. Ur naaa eh toooooograaAaa.”
Heaven help anyone who ends up in one of these scenes.
Embarrassment for all involved.
Roger Corman, paging Roger Corman.
*whip barely moves, zombie slaver sorta wobbles and drools*
Tooooograaaa. Ur naaa eh toooooograaAaa.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A Black gunfighter went down and his last words were
You Muther..
The townspeople couldn’t understand what he meant but figure he was calling for his mother and decided to name the town for such a loving son.
Since they weren’t sure of his name, they chose....
Thus, in its shortened version, YUMA Arizona was born....