Obama has been front and center in preventing job growth with his over regulation of businesses, Obamacare, anti fracking, drilling and pipeline. He is by far the biggest obstacle to job growth.
Obama can only kill jobs with all his borrowing, not allowing the 1.7 trillion foreign held profits to be repatriated, not allowing the Keystone pipeline.
The President sets the tone for the economy. In the early days, President ‘I Won’ told everyone just what was in store. Many small businesses decided it wasn’t worth the costs and risks to stay in and closed, others went ‘slow roll’. Both have been proven correct in their actions with the continued business climate constantly being barraged with taxes and regulations.
I received an email containing a post I think very relevant to our economic condition...
“ A strong society is only sustained by warranted trust. When the excesses of power and corruption gain too much traction, people lose faith in conservative values of self sufficiency and responsibility. We slowly...and then quickly, morph into a world of complete corruption where anyone who would live by honesty and responsibility are considered the fool. We all know that corruption is not ultimately sustainable and what we have now is an unchecked progress toward absolute tyranny driven by personal greed for power. I see no way this can be stopped from meeting its ultimate end. Those who would lead us to a survivable path are destroyed by politics or worse. We understand why there is such a backlash from conservatives. They know they are being played for the fool and will be left with the bill. Sure, many of us want to see our country survive as well, but we also know where WE will be left in this. So many want to concentrate only on the dollars, which are important, but what I think is far more important is how these dollars are changing behaviors and expectations. This is what actually defines who we are.”