Can George Zimmerman do anything dumber? I wonder, then almost daily he tops himself with something like this.
Don’t you think he is more than tired of being intimidated into silence about the injustice of what was done to him?
Well...maybe he should just surrender himself to the Black Ku Klux Klan...would that make you happy?
I suppose it would be smarter if he caved in and cowered in fear in the face of his anti-American Progressive enemy’s intimidation. Who the heck does he think he is?
Then again, if you really are a shyster, no one should expect anything from you anyway. Never mind.
Zimmerman was doing his job. This occured in a gated integrated community of modest means. With a problem having black youths wearing “hoodies” breaking into dwellings and committing thefts which is why they have security guards. While off duty going to store he sees this furtive figure in similar attire and goes on duty (just like most any off duty security would do). Observes the figure calls it into the cops and leaves the “observed” reported alone and unmolested and is returning to go about his business. But before he can make it back to his vehicle the figure jumps actually coldcocks Zimmerman knocking him to the ground. And they stuggle over Zimmermans gun. But luckily Zimmerman gets to it first.