First stop using the money to finance light rail and bike paths.
Raise the gas tax to pay someone $35 per hour to hold a sign on the side of the road while other workers make $50 per hour to put up $10 million electronic billboards over the road that flash out information like “Don’t Drink and Drive.”
Tom Donohue’s just full of good ideas:
A steady flow of talented, industrious immigrants can fuel a booming economy
Take the gas tax money collected today, and spend it on what it was initially created for.
If mass transit needs money, then collect taxes on top of mass transit fees, to pay for it.
If subways need to be expanded, let them carry the load.
If new busses are required, let the buss fee taxes carry the load.
Quit making automobile owners pay for everything. Quit creating new toll roads. Quit selling rights of way to foreign national concerns.
We built this nation and it’s assets, and now we have no right to use the items we paid for. And if they say we don’t have enough money, then let them prove they didn’t take any of our gas taxes to pay for their non-automobile mass transit adventures.
“Infrastructure improvement” is code for funneling money to the labor unions.
What’s going to prevent the taxpayers from running out of money as early as September?
The Chamber of Commerce has lost any connection to the American people at this point. It wants to pick our pockets clean and give our jobs to invaders.
A pox on them.
I’m wondering what level of bribe money they’re bringing on their visits.
Or we could stop blowing transportation funds on rain gardens, bike paths, and failing public transportation systems.
Get rid of insane union work rules and the “prevailing” wage EO...
Weren’t all those funds for “shovel-ready jobs” supposed to fix the roads?
What happened to all that $ from Obama stash?? shovel ready, stimulus aka slush fund.
What a joke & Donohue just as bad, if not worse than the RATs.
So we can get more crepe myrtles, junipers, and daffodils planted at all of the the interchanges???
pays for road and bridge projects from running out of money as early as September
Everyone reading this post will agree that the simple act of making each (and every employee) work a productive 8 hour day on the road or bridge will solve all problems. It doesn’t take 7 men to watch 1 dig a hole and it doesn’t take 25 inspectors to inspect the same thing and the most important is to hold the contractors fully liable fiscally for any failure to start a project until ALL plans are FINISHED and FUNDED at a non-negotiable (or subject to change) contract specification. Failure to comply penalizes the contractor, not the taxpayer.
My tagline has been around for many years and totally sums up ANY government project or contract.
Ignoring Taxed Enough Already at their own peril.
And if they do, it goes into the pockets of a bunch of union thugs, then back to the Democrat Party!
I thought that constitutionally indefensible federal stimulus funds were supposed to take care of things like this.
Interesting. I wonder how much of that fund was used to build bike paths?
The health of the American economy should not depend on a bunch of union thugs stealing money out of the hardworking taxpayers’ pockets to build more roads. Isn’t all of that asphalt and vehicles driving on it a cause of global warming? Little Dick Trumka needs to go to jail for all of the money he and his kneecap busters are stealing from the pockets of hardworking Americans. What a punk.
Just where the hell do these A-holes think we’re supposed to get this money for the extra Gas Taxes?Obama has already destroyed the economy.Raised electrical rates skyhigh.
Now they want to kill the working man by raising his fuel taxes on the vehicle that takes him to work.These Statest thugs need to go.