Posted on 01/16/2014 5:09:27 PM PST by jazusamo
Foreign Policy: The latest U.S. ally to openly sneer at us is a senior British defense adviser who says President Obama has "devalued the deterrent effect of American military capability" in the world.
In his first campaign for president, in April 2007, Barack Obama complained George W. Bush's war in Iraq cost the U.S. "in influence and respect."
Because of Iraq, he said, "many around the world are disappointed with our actions, and many in our own country have come to doubt either our wisdom or our capacity to shape events beyond our borders. Some have even suggested that America's time has passed."
To rectify this, Obama promised when he is president the U.S. would lead "the world toward a new era of global cooperation." He pledged "to rebuild and construct the alliances and partnerships necessary to meet common challenges and confront common threats."
Today, it is clear that this president has done exactly the opposite. Tragically, our allies now even laugh at us.
Never has the possibility been more seriously discussed of America being in serious decline. And as to doubts regarding our nation's wisdom and capacity "to shape events beyond our borders," one need only look at the particulars of this president's foreign policy to see example after example of exactly such impotence Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, China, to name but a few.
Allies warn of the serious harm Obama has done.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Bammy is not really all that funny.
I believe both allies and adversaries are already laughing up their sleeves.
BUMP! Not the least bit funny.
His domestic policy hasn’t been all that kind to him, either.
Obama is just one big laugh. Incompetence at the highest level.
A Foreigner, Policy Has Left Obama A Global Laughing Stock
Methinks you completely misunderstand his mission.
He is NOT here to gain accolades and “atta boys” for his endeavors in foreign policy.
Nor is he here to promote this country and it’s causes. And also, our allies are NOT his concern. (Backstabbing them is.)
And its a mission in which he is succeeding brilliantly.
Until you get your arms around the fact that foolish people in fact and in deed, have elected the ENEMY, you will always be at a loss.
He is on track, and he is on time. And he is neither incompetent nor ignorant.
He KNOWS what he is doing.
Bull...His handlers know what they’re doing but 0bummer is both incompetent and inept.
Not laughing any more. This joke has gotten plenty stale. I want my damned country back!
Disagree completely.
He is a white hating bigot who’s mission is to destroy Western Civilization.
He is corrupt, wicked, and conniving, like a cornered rat.
I DO agree with you that the people he surrounds himself with are superior to him intellectually. But he himself is NOT incompetent.
Otherwise, how did he get to where he is, and do the damage he has done?
My question: Is he inept at destroying the country? And is he incompetent in the implementation of the machinations thereof?
He is an active participant.
OTH, if you believe that there is an active conspiracy by an unnamed, faceless bunch who have put this imposter in place for whatever reason, I think you may have a very good point.
We may never know.
There is one thing, I think, on which we can agree, if Satan had a son, he would look like....
I can certainly agree he is an active participant, he was groomed for it but in no way could he do it without his handlers.
I also whole heartedly agree that if Satan had a son, he would look like....
I agree. Individually, he is NOT the caliber of person who could handle this alone. He is a self indulgent narcissist of the worst sort.
He was groomed, and put in place. The reason he was “selected” in my opinion, was because of his latent hatred of everything “white” and “western civilization.”
He was a marching robot. They could wind him up, and let him go, and they KNEW he would not fail them.
Nuff said!
If we fall, they fall.
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