Posted on 01/07/2014 1:11:41 PM PST by 12th_Monkey
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has harsh words for Vice President Joe Bidens foreign policy judgement in his soon-to-be-released memoir.
According to the New York Times, which obtained an early copy of the memoir, Gates calls Biden a man of integrity, but questions his record. I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades, Gates writes, according to the Times.
Gates, the only high-level holdover from the Bush administration to the President Barack Obamas Cabinet, reveals he nearly quit his post in September 2009 while Obama reviewed his Afghanistan strategy. According to the Times, Gates writes he was deeply uneasy with the Obama White Houses lack of appreciation from the top down of the uncertainties and unpredictability of war I came closer to resigning that day than at any other time in my tenure, though no one knew it.
The Washington Post quotes a separate exchange in the book between Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where they discussed their opposition to the 2007 Iraq surge in the context of politics. Hillary told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary. . . . The president conceded vaguely that opposition to the Iraq surge had been political. To hear the two of them making these admissions, and in front of me, was as surprising as it was dismaying.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
What’s even more provocative is the admission by both Hillary and Barry that their opposition to the surge was purely political. What absolute cynical bastards. Gates judges Biden to be stupid, misguided, but sincere. Great. Hillary and Barry are stupid, misguided and insincere. Best news I’ve heard all day.
For Dems it’s all about the power, nothing else matters
“Gates calls Biden a man of integrity, but questions his record.”
In the words of George Carlin:
“Yeah, he’s an a**hole. But a well meaning, a**hole.”
Gee, why would the story headline and lead be about the Vice President, when it goes on to accuse both Obama and Hilary of politicizing their war policy?
And I always thought the President and Secretary of State were more important than the VP. Silly me.
I can’t see the integrity thing, must be something only insiders see
Biden a man of integrity? But wrong on just about everything?
Ok Let's look at the meaning of 'integrity' but first focus on its essential forerunner which is 'wisdom'.
WISDOM is the knowledge of what must be done, knowledge of which direction one must go; it is good knowledge. In the colloquial sense it is 'talking the talk'.
INTEGRITY is the execution of knowledge, the action part of knowledge. In the colloquial sense it is 'doing what you say you will do' or 'walking the walk'.
Wisdom without integrity is a waste and often a fraud.
Integrity without wisdom is foolishness.
Therefore, the New York Times is writing that Gates is calling a Biden a FOOL. No surprise here to Freepers.
What is 'almost' surprising is the NY Times thinks this is newsworthy. But this is the NY Times, thus the modifier 'almost'.
And if she runs for president, the voting majority won’t care either.
Hey Gates, Biden wasn’t the President making decisions. Why the hatchet job now?
well if you want a really interesting headline, try this:
“Australian man who got stuck in his washing machine during naked prank describes his olive oil rescue”
howz that???
Actually, I think their opposition was primarily ideological. Their claim that it was just political is an attempt, ex post facto, to make them seem marginally like adults.
didn’t follow with me either....Sound like Gates is trying to walk the fence. Which is a good way to crack some nuts.
needs money I guess.
That's what I got, too. Gates seems to want to criticize to deflect responsibility from himself but then turns around and offers toadying praise to those he criticizes. He's lost himself in his own spin.
Impeachment File for “B. Hussein Obama,” aka Barry Soetoro, a documented legal citizen of the Sovereign Nation of Indonesia.
Filed in $h!tcan #13 under the file “no one has the balls to try”
Gates has long been a political animal and the sensitivity of his political antennae is exquisite:
He senses a sea change in public perceptions and as a survivor he is jockeying for the best lifeboat seat before the arrival of the rogue wave.
Gates chose a great target, as everyone knows Biden is a cross between a carnival clown and “Better call Saul” from Breaking Bad.
Did Speaker Boehner tell you to write that?
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