I'm a little uncomfortable with that wording. It could be interpreted to mean that they think the feral goobermint isn't aggressive ENOUGH in meddling in the affairs of those of us who have jobs and create wealth.
“70 percent lack confidence in the governments ability to make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014.”
What is wrong with the other 30%? Are they stupid or what?
Hmmmm. I wonder if this will affect the 2014 elections/s
And that 70% can do nothing worthwhile to prevent America’s failure. America will never recover. The communists have changed so much it can never be reversed without riots and widespread destruction. Look at Europe and then look inward.
And the other 30% are employed by government?
I want government that gets out of the way and allows free people in a free market and free society to overcome problems.
Woohoo, I’ve finally made it into the in crowd.
I had a nice vent with my mom - you know, where you both feel better afterwards, even though the country is in shambles.
Here’s the truth: media is complicit and if they talk against the dictat0r, they are ruined. Same for congressmen, same for anyone else, even those receiving purple hearts, and, even I believe, secret s3rvicemen and military leaders. Yep, that I believe to be true.
So, does 70% disapproval matter? Only when something can be done about it.
to make progress”
Maybe people are beginning to wonder what they mean by “progress”? If there is a goal, a target, we are supposed to be making “progress” toward, what is it and where is that written down?
I have no confidence in the voters.
Our government is being run by a bunch of brain dead Kommie Kollege Kiddies with phony diplomas and the dumbass Marxist “perfessors” who gave them to them. How could it NOT be screwed up. They’re all a bunch of incompetent clowns.
It’s a push poll, and therefore not to be believed.
Unfortunately, a majority of the 70% expect government to solve all problems ... including too many Republicans.