"Everyone understands that is this country, HIV/AIDS is primarily transmitted via men having sex with men. The highest rate of new infections are among homosexual males between the ages of 18 and 34. See CDC. Obama needed the homosexual vote, so he promised homosexuals they could not be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. As the article states, only 17% of HIV/AIDS patients have private health insurance. If the young and healthy do not sign up for Obamacare, who else will offset the drug costs HIV/AIDS patients need? Where is the compassion of the young, healthy Obama voters, who refuse to sign up for Obamacare to help pay for the sickest amongst us? Perhaps hey realize that socialism is costly to them and therefore not a good idea. Socialism is great until the government comes after your money."
” Where is the compassion of the young, healthy Obama voters, who refuse to sign up for Obamacare to help pay for the sickest amongst us? “
Cry me a river.
The problem is that there are only 20,000 pages of regulations in the Obamacare plan.
We need more regulations. /s/
People would have an incentive to take care of themselves, and insurers would cover rare and catastrophic illnesses.
The same holds true for homosexuals.
HIV has been a huge problem. There used to be a number of what I think of as academic-related professional organizations that offered group policies to members, most of whom were self-employed (such as translators). This was actually the only reason for joining the organizations. The policies were basically major medical, but they were affordable and they protected you from catastrophic events.
However, these professions attracted a lot of men who were unfortunately in the HIV high-risk group, and the cost of paying for those drugs went even beyond “catastrophic” and resulted in the refusal of the insurers to offer these group policies.
Gay men seem to be going about blithely getting HIV, confident that someone else will pay for their treatment, no matter how many other people suffer.
Treatment of AIDS patients is a significant part of the reason health care and health care insurance is so expensive.
Other reasons include greed on the part of all involved: patients, doctors, hospitals, medical equipment companies, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies.
(I’m sure I’m failing to mention some other factors.)
Smokers are penalized to the max for the unforgivable sin of smoking. The HIV patients should have to pay for their dangerous lifestyle as well.
Everyone else’s meds are skyrocketing. Let the DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids) antibreeder gaystapo pay their fair share.
The obese, alcohol impaired, tobacco addicted, et al are being told that they made lifestyle choices and now must pay the piper.
So too the lavender mafia needs to cough up.
What a surprise! Managing risk was what made insurance affordable for most people. Now managing risk is illegal. The result: prices skyrocket for everyone.
“The highest rate of new infections are among homosexual males between the ages of 18 and 34”
Hey, if insurance buyers are required to cover the cost of pregnancy and abortion, why not the cost of HIV? They are ALL conditions resulting from a behavior choice.
get rid of the whole ball of wax. Then cut waste and red tape and allow companies to operate as they please.if the government would back off the numbers of uninsured would dwindle. Obamacare does the opposite.