“[2:02]Change 3 will set up a telescope on the moon first time in human history, observe the plasmasphere over the Earth and survey the moon surface through radar.”
Why the US hasn’t put an optical or at least a radio telescope on the Moon befuddles me. Now the Chi-Coms are ahead of us in this respect.
The government should have started giving *major* tax incentives/cuts to the private aerospace industry years ago.
It's insane...All this while the U.S. governemnt mismanaged us into cesspool of endless debt to the Communist Chinese, while looting the American treasure, all while inviting the entire their world into our country.
These idiots are too GD stupid or self centered to realize this planet and it's resources, and in fact our star have a shelf life.
If the human race plans on surviving into the distant future, they'd better be looking towards that endeavor now, one step at a time.
Or do they even give a damn what happens when they're arrogant narcissistic butts are gone?
Don't mean to disrupt your thread but, but watching the Communist Chinese do this, while our controlling corrupt government loots American citizens and the American treasure, makes me recoil.
Then they’ll build a catapult, and sling moon rocks at us whenever they want to.