Because Boehner is not following the Constitution by controlling clear constitutional violations by Obama of the same Constitution.
A robber will continue robbing, a terrorist will continue terror, a murderer will continue murdering, if no one makes him accountable.
So who bother with the Constitution's provision for only 2 terms?
congress is not doing its mandated job which they have sworn to uphold.
If the professor thinks he has, or can get, the votes, either in the two Houses, or in the States, then let him put this proposed repeal up for a vote. However, I think the Dems will be less than satisfied with the consequences down the with the “nuclear option” in the Senate.
One amendment I’d seriously like to see is one that makes it unconstitutional for Congress to exempt itself and its staff from laws that apply to the rest of us. That one I’d vote for.
Predictable. How many of us have been saying this since 2008? I expect this to start gathering steam among the leftards.
Every second term of a Democrat we get this same story. It won’t happen. Ubama is moving on to another position he is ineligible for, Secretary-General of the United Nations.
In The Washington Post, Jonathan Zimmerman, a history professor from NYU, has written an article claiming that all of Americas problems would be solovedGET THISif only we would allow Barack Obama to run for a third term!
That's awfully creative for the "news" paper with the second brownest nose on the east coast.
My understanding any changes involving the Constitution would forbid him from running again.
Jonathan Zimmerman, a history professor from NYU is an idiot!
Lemme guess, this lib is a hypocrite. No to Bush but yes to Obama.
The election I’d like to see him in would be one in the United States Senate in January 2015, after his “nomination” for impeachment by the House.
Cancel this bass-turd’s NYU-provided healthcare plan and put him on 0bummercare...better yet, give anyone in his family a pain pill in case they get really sick.
So let's play this out: We give him the chance to run for another term in 2016. Suddenly, he's more responsive to us. Hallelujah! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!
Then 2016 comes and goes. Let us say he is re-elected. Now he's back to running the American people over with his CommuBus again. Only now he's got 4 years, not 3.
Turns out I could teach at NYU.
I’d want Obama to have another term...
No “professor” can surprise me with anything he/she does or says with his/her mouth.
That is why he is a ‘prof’. He is stupid and ignorant and should be committed to a care center. He needs a keeper.
Apparently he has been unfit to teach grade school so they kicked him up to college professor.
Those that can do those that can’t teach!
Ability to recall a President, I like that.
It is sort of like what the British have. A vote of no confidence.
While on the subject there should be restrictions on what a President can do between the time he loses and the new President is sworn in. A lot of mischief is done during that time.
I choose LOL. Been expecting this. Would not be surprised if there is a strong push to allow nobama a third term so he can, "finish what we started."
In my opinion, ALL politicians should be limited to one (1) term.
Why? What one thing has he done that is positive? A third term would allow him just enough time to screw things up royally!