Posted on 11/13/2013 2:05:13 PM PST by NKP_Vet
The Boy Scouts of America on Wednesday chose former U.S. Secretary of Defense and CIA director Robert Gates as its next president, who will face the task of repairing divisions in the organization from a heated debate over accepting gay scouts.
As Defense Secretary, Gates supported President Barack Obama's withdrawal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that prevented gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. Congress repealed the ban in 2010 and it was lifted in 2011.
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time for a schism. let the sodomites have one organization and the rest of us normals have the REAL BSA.
My boys will NOT be joining the Gay Scouts. No way.
I wish the grown ups would go back to teaching young men how to follow, lead, and survive in this world.
The boys don’t care about this crap. Of course, if some men joined the leadership it would make things better.
I’m guessing there first choice was Jerry Sandusky.
But he’s playing shower tag with the fellas in the State Pen. Not Penn State.
After a span of more than half a century of supporting the Boy Scouts of America, I find it distressing and repulsive that Gates would be selected as the leader of the BSA.
To me, the BSA is beyond its high water mark and on the way out because the BSA has compromised its integrity at the very top.
I do not know how long it will take, but the original physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight boy scout is GONE, thanks to the spineless and corrupt leadership.
I am aware that the justification for the change was considered necessary given the support in the military for accepting homosexual behavior, and the danger of loss of support by the military and commercial interests that provide funds and access to millions of dollars of facilities. Nonetheless it was a corrupt decision that has doomed the original Boy Scouts of America.
I respected, supported and revered the BSA all my life.
But now I have nothing but contempt for them. Caving like abject cowards, embracing degeneracy and perversion, and turning its back on everything it once stood for. I truly, truly spit on them.
We shouldn’t be concerned that 18 yr old homosexual men are going camping and spending time alone with 11 yr old boys./sarc
“I am aware that the justification for the change was considered necessary given the support in the military for accepting homosexual behavior”.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the senior leadership of the US Armed Forces didn’t want to lift DADT. They caved to the pressure of the muslim-in-chief. He basically said agree or be fired. They put their careers over the common good of the US military. Every study that has ever been conducted about homosexuality in the Armed Forces said it was not conducive to good order and discipline and for over 200 years that sound policy never changed. The nothing-in-chief is elected president and he could have cared less what was good for the military. He has never served day in the service of his country and is clueless. Like all good leftists he hates the military. He is all about social change and nothing else. The senior officers who allowed the hostile sodomite takeover of the US Armed Forces (then women in combat) put their careers over the the military. All are traitors to their country, starting with the dunce at the top.
What happened to this once great organization?
The same thing that happened to the rest of the country. Hostile takeover by athiests.
Bet he’s queer. Just watch. Does it matter? You damned right it does.
BSA peaked in membership around 1973. It has been on a negative glide slope ever since. The homosexual lobby, Human Rights Campaign, got started around 1980. They concentrated there efforts against corporate America. Took them 30+ years but they succeeded. The infamous poll put out by the BSA last APR showed that the majority of donors still supported the current membership policy, i.e., a version of DADT, but >50% of the Fortune 500 donors wanted homosexuals in BSA. BSA's leadership projected that at worst, they would lose no more than 13% membership by 1/01/2014. The only denominations to flee BSA have been the Southern Baptists, Presbyterian Church in America, Church of Christ, some Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and a small number of Roman Catholic parishes. It does not appear to be a big Exodus from BSA at this point, but it may still be too early. Other FR prognosticators are correct - Robert Gates will usher in the 2nd part of the membership change during his watch - open acceptance of homosexual adult members.
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