Any libertarian who wastes their vote on a libertarian candidate and not on Cuchinelli, is voting for a Fascist state per Barrack Hussein Obama.
Libertarians really need to wise up. Do they really think a Democrat is going to give them more liberty than a socially conservative Republican? I think I’m being fair when I say Democrats only believe in two freedoms: the right to abort an innocent baby and the right to sodomize someone. Other than that, the Democrat Party is the party of the big cram down.
Republicans who identify with the Tea Party probably agree with 90% of what libertarians want. Libertarians better start thinking about which path, Republican or Democrat, offers them the better odds of actually achieving what they want. There is simply no way, I mean absolute ZERO, for the libertarian candidate to win this race in Virginia. He can only act as a spoiler with most of his votes taken from the Republican.