You will have a G-d.
The true G-d, the State, or selfishness.
“Religious freedom foundation”. ROTFL! They should call themselves the commie fag foundation.
Just wait to the first big war against an enemy with a modern air force—then God will become part of things again—especially when we lose a few battles, and a flock of planes and pilots. If you think such a war will not happen remember what Socrates, the wisest of the Ancient Greeks, said: “Only the Dead have seen the end of war.”
So, from “God is my Co-Pilot,” “Flying Tigers,” and the poem “High Flight,” we go to Obama-there-is-no-God-but-Allah Drones-R-Us.
Sounds like a plan... what could go wrong? /s
A new President can and must reverse this.
This is not about the Constitution, there is no separation of God from the Constitution
This is about an oath, everything in the oath (which is by definition swearing in the Name of God) and removing Him.
The oath is meaningless without God, without God there is no oath.
Since when did it become mainstream for the minority to dictate to the majority?
In a few years when we have been usurped by this regime and the UN we won’t need a military anyway. We will all be one big happy family with blue helmets protecting us.
No God. No honor!
On the other hand, we "elected" a Muslim Kenyan Communist for President (twice) so people do make mistakes and sometimes they make really BIG ones. Fatal ones.
What a joke
and the beat goes on.
Taking God out of the military will carry the same results as taking God out of our schools.
Godless schools become anti-American indoctorination centers; Godless military will become hostile to all things American.
Never in a million years would I ever see...
At Navy it was always an option of “So help me.” or “So help me God.” I think they are just making things up for press now.
Mikey is a professional agitator and a disgrace to all Academy graduates everywhere. I am ‘92 from USAFA...this outcome will be predictable. The brass will be told to remove it and they will cower and obey. Federal Law requires the oath and the oath is codefied in law. However, military regulations can make the ‘so help me God’ optional. Of course, what’s a little thing like obeying a law these days to the statists and those kneeling at the alter of political correctness? If USAFA leadership has a backbone they’d just say they are following Federal Law and tell Mikey to stuff it.
The other issue here is the little turd reporter from the CS Indy paper who took the press release granted him/her by the Academy and sent it to Mikey. The CS Indy and that reporter should be banned from all Academy related activities. Communists all...
“...they did not wish to retain God in their knowledge....”
We had a legit wiccan in our platoon in Basic. He was by far the most screwed up kid there. It was his second time through Basic due to an integrity violation. I was older so the Drill Sgt kind of told me to give him a hand. I tried. I’d be surprised if he’s still alive. It’s basically devil worship. At least what he was doing.
“Your invisible friend in the clouds does not exist!”
I always say, “So help me God” when being sworn to an oath, otherwise you have no oath.