I will then ask you, do you think the Cuccinelli campaign has been run in a smart way? Do you think the Republican party has behaved in a smart way?
How, precisely, do you suggest we persuade fiscal/small-govt conservatives who are also social moderates, to vote for Republicans (if that *is* your goal)? Has Cuccinelli -- or, for that matter, has anyone on this forum -- spent time trying to persuade that particular group that they should vote with their wallets? Have the Republicans in Richmond used their majority to limit the size and scope of government?
I hope Cuccinelli wins somehow, but Sarvis's economic positions are substantially better from a conservative, limited-government standpoint.
One more question — why in the world would you want Sarvis to stop talking about ‘marriage equality’, race, and drug legalization? For the love of God, the more he talks about that stuff the more likely he’ll pull from Fast Terry’s soft support.
Shrill because I used "queer" instead of the much nicer "gay?" Because I pegged the liberal as a racebaiter? Guilty, then. I'm sick of playing games with words and not pegging degenerates for what they are.
"I will then ask you, do you think the Cuccinelli campaign has been run in a smart way? Do you think the Republican party has behaved in a smart way? "
Do Republicans ever behave in a smart way? Rarely, and the more moderate they are, the more it holds true. Cuccinelli is no moderate, but I do believe his campaign could have been run better. Maybe he's allowing himself to be led by his handlers too much, instead of doing what he instinctively knows is right.
"How, precisely, do you suggest we persuade fiscal/small-govt conservatives who are also social moderates, to vote for Republicans (if that *is* your goal)? Has Cuccinelli -- or, for that matter, has anyone on this forum -- spent time trying to persuade that particular group that they should vote with their wallets? Have the Republicans in Richmond used their majority to limit the size and scope of government? "
What you're really asking is how do we persuade social moderates that we're not anti-abortion, anti-queer Jesus nuts. Maybe we can't. But those "moderates" see no sin, no wrong, in embracing sodomite marriage and the murder of unborn babies. Most conservatives know better. They understand that God is real, and that His standards demand accountability.
If some "social moderate" is enough of a fool to vote for McAuliffe or Sarvis instead of Cuccinelli, he will deserve what he gets...the problem is, the rest of us won't deserve it.
"I hope Cuccinelli wins somehow, but Sarvis's economic positions are substantially better from a conservative, limited-government standpoint."
Really? Sarvis wants to tax carbon emissions. Is that limited government?
A vote for Sarvis, who hasn't a hope in hell of winning, will ensure McAuliffe gets it.