... (oh, I guess that's only for 0-care)
Sounds like the DOJ is expecting a ruling in favor of Michigan voters this month.
I was kinda concerned after the ludicrous decision on HusseinScare, but it’s a relief to learn the administration’s official position on SCOTUS decisions. Thanks, The! (Can I call you The, or should I stick with President Won?)
Barry’s Gestapo is at it again.
Obama wants a race war.
...Obama ignoring the law of the land.
Doesn’t this fall under the legal definition of malfeasance? The author of this policy is guilty of a criminal offense, not to mention liable for civil damages.
Time to face facts. It’s not an Administration, it’s a dictatorship.
I hope that Makes John Roberts all warm and fuzzy after covering Nero’s ass in the NeroCare case.
I am sorry, but WTH is going on?!?
This has to stop, it utterly has to stop.
So in other words, this administration is convinced you minorities are so incompetent and unintelligent that you MUST rely on Government imposed discrimination.
Serves you right for staying on the plantation. You deserve no better.
Will somebody please let me know when the shooting starts?
This is why seeking a constitutional remedy my be futile, or even foolish.
Post copy of letter ?
doj ping
The Constitution is dead. The executive branch no longer recognizes any limits on its power as opposed to the other branches of government, nor any on its power over the people.
I would point out that the death of the Constitution came with the full participation of the media, who were among the first institutions protected by the Constitution. Now they are just the propaganda arm of the communist government of the United States.
The list, Ping
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Does anyone really think this administration gives a damn for anything beside it’s own blood drinking?
Copy of letter: http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/edu/documents/fishercover.pdf