Posted on 09/28/2013 3:10:53 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
The president used his weekly address to the American people to demand that Congress meet its two responsibilities: pass a budget on time and pay our bills on time. Despite Republican attempts to defund his signature healthcare reform law, the president promised that the next phase of the law will kick in on October 1 no matter what.
I will work with anyone who wants to have a serious conversation about our economic future, Obama said. But I will not negotiate over Congress responsibility to pay the bills it has already racked up. I dont know how to be more clear about this: no one gets to threaten the full faith and credit of the United States of America just to extract ideological concessions.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
toss him an impeachment charge over any of the numerous impeachable offenses he’s committed
A typical phrase before one has to do so.
He needs to be impeached. Seriously.
He who refuses to negotiate takes full responsibility for the consequences.
What’s this another one of his red lines?
I doubt that the House will do much of anything, and we will enter this no-budget period and debt ceiling crisis. For the President....after ten days of this...his travel team will start to ask questions if it looks ok to travel across the country and do speeches and stump for anything...if the government isn’t functional.
I’d also suggest that most foreign leaders are now viewing this all as a comical mess. The president is continually in some budget, CR, or Debt Ceiling crisis. You’d almost think that this was his full-time job.
So finally, I’d offer this analysis...the public has watched this so often, that they generally have lost interest. They don’t believe the threats. Sequestration came and went. Life can proceed on. These doom-and-gloom speeches by the President...are ineffective, and mostly make him look like some Venezuelan dictator worried about the status of toilet paper or lack of such. We are living in a Banana Republic...with French Republicans, and some funny Democrats.
Immature Bolshevik’s arrogance.
Obama does not have to negotiate. The Republicans will fold like a house of cards. They have no spine and the Dems know it.
The Republicans have NEVER stood up for any principle or moral value. They are a bunch of weak-kneed fools who relish their perks and power over the Constitution and our Country.
Zero is sorta right. Congress approve monies, and how they are spent to a large degree. The Republicans in the house should tell Zero to mind his own business go play golf and boy King as you have no authority to negotiate.
You only get to veto the bill or sign it.
My exact thought as well...
............"Hollywoods heroes, like William Wallace, resonate because deep down people want leaders who fearlessly strive for what they believe, and not noblemen who are noble in name only. The people want larger than life figures who will fight for them. And ultimately, they want leaders they can trust so they can live their lives, raise their children and enjoy their limited time on this green earth free from worry about an avaricious government. Todays noblemen of D.C. face choices in these upcoming weeks that will stay with them for a lifetime. Obamacare will either be implemented or it will be gutted.
While some may take the Braveheart analogy as too simplistic, it will be impossible to explain the nuances of the day to someone a few years from now unable to access health care because of the Obamacare doctor shortage.
Now is when the decision is made and there will be no turning back. It is time for Republicans to choose whether they will claim their historic legacy as our nations freedom party, or if they will recede into the history books replaced by those who are willing to take the mantle of freedom fighter from them."
“I will work with anyone who wants to have a serious conversation about our economic future, Obama said.”
That’s PelosiSpeak for “there’s nothing left to cut.”
Now that there's a repub House this will be the mantra. No mention of the dims shirking their duties for what, 4 + yrs?
Repub's fault.
OTOH the repubs had their chance to get in front of this issue, take the offensive. But noooo, now they are in their usual position of defending and caving.
I guess you can't expect any different from Tears and Mumbles, the dyamic duo. /s
Our side is impotent. Run commercials all weekend showing that clip and outline the debt problem. Show HE is the one causing this. Remind Americans that obstruction like this didn’t happen under bush no matter which party was running congress.
Instead WE allow our side to be brandished as the ones who won’t compromise.
Abusive people treat their families like dirt but act like angles to the outside world. He may see domestic politicians as “family” and Iran and other countries as the outside world.
It appears that everybody he’s selected, Rahm Emanuel, Katherine Sibelius, Van Jones all have serious head problems. This seems to be the rule among Democrats. The Clintons and the Wieners, for example.
Obama’s “Safe School” czar is a self admitted pedophile. w
...unless, of course, you’re a jihadist dictator, then give him a call.
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