Bad Idea to kick that can away till after the next election. The AMERICAN GIANT will be in OPEN ENROLLMENT in only 7 Days and WAKE UP and NOT BE HAPPY!
A delay is what the dimoKKKRATS want to get through the 2014 election. Either don’t fund it or let it be implemented now. I can’t believe what is happening.
Boehner is going back to crawling on his belly again.
Wimps never win, how can they not see this?
They don’t want to win? Lazy? They don’t want to win and have to work for the constituents?
So they think the country will be just fine in the hands of democrats?
They need to get rid of obamacare
Jeez. Not this s___t again.
The House leadership will choose to do the worst possible action, as usual. The correct approach is stand strong, and then stand down and let the Democrats own this monstrosity again for 2014 and 2016. Delay lets the Dems off the hook for 2014 and will be spun as ‘Democrats’ compromising to meet demands. We lose all around, both in policy and politically. It also will go further to make this unpopular law permanent.
Thats OK if they really stick to it. I have my doubts.
It is time for hardball politics. No compromise, take no prisoners. The Democrats always fight dirty - we should grab them by the ears and kick them in the balls. Let the revolt begin! Do not accept Communism!!!
I don't trust delaying something. But this might be different. What Cruz just did was effective. People are listening, about everything. It's possible that in the next year a lot of bills can be passed and maybe something can happen in the courts.
I haven't seem better reality TV since John Dean at the Watergate hearings. Maybe Cruz didn't win the cloture vote, but it just might've been a game changer in DC.
And there goes our constitution. We’ll have peace in our time, but with unlimited government and no indvidual rights, no states rights and no separation of powers. The congress is ceding all to the chief executive and the scotus, which he holds hostage.
What makes the GOP think the Dems will go along?
Delay is a fig leaf for capitulation.
This smells of the old “Don’t throw me into the briar patch!” ploy. The Dems would love to put off the disaster that is Obamacare until after the 2014 elections.
Obozo re raising the debt limit in 2006:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising Americas debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Governments reckless fiscal policies. Increasing Americas debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006