Screw you, Tucker Carlson.
Screw you, Charles Krauthammer.
Screw you, Karl Rove.
Screw you, Brit Hume.
And screw all the other RINOs who aren’t listed here, every single one of you.
And John Cornyn, you’re not fooling ANYONE, so screw you, too.
< /unladylike behavior >
Gosh, that felt good.
You forgot the rest of the Vichy Swine, you know Kristol, Noonan, Brooks, do I dare raise you blood pressure more?
I second that!
When Ted Cruz was on the ascendancy, it was obvious that Cornyn felt threatened. He strangely became 'conservative' outside of election time.
His real self has caught up with him now. He's nowhere to be found in this fight. The chicken livered coward is letting the junior Senator do all the heavy lifting while he hides in the shadows.