To: Sopater
Ruth Chris—for the best. sides. ever. My once-every-couple-of-years treat.
2 posted on
08/23/2013 2:26:55 PM PDT by
To: Mamzelle
Seattle has a Ruth Chris but we also have The Metropolitan Grill which has sort of a 30’s/40’s motif. And their steaks are to die for.
9 posted on
08/23/2013 2:32:42 PM PDT by
(A white woman would be accused of racism if she gave birth to a white baby.)
To: Mamzelle
Ruth Chrisfor the best. sides. ever. My once-every-couple-of-years treat.I agree with the Ruth's Chris but like every chain, some locations are better than others.
The Ruth's Chris is Beverly Hills is superb, the one here in Vegas SUCKS!
38 posted on
08/23/2013 2:51:20 PM PDT by
Las Vegas Ron
("Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism" Vladimir Lenin)
To: Mamzelle
128 posted on
08/23/2013 4:42:12 PM PDT by
In Another Time...
(RIP: 4th Amendment, United States Constitution)
To: Mamzelle
I wouldn't count them on this. I'm on the road 5 days a week and Ruth's Chris is only available in select cities.
Maybe it should be America's best chain steakhouse to eat at once a week.
BTW Ruth's Chris in Nashville had the best filet I have ever had.
139 posted on
08/23/2013 6:02:52 PM PDT by
((zOld storm chaser from the west)/ ?s)
To: Mamzelle
I found Ruth’s Chris to be a bit over-rated. Many restaurants offer good sides and being a bit more decorative is nice, but doesn’t add to the taste. Very expensive and I hated the heated plate - I ordered my steak rare and it hit the table that way, but was more than medium rare before the plate stopped cooking it past where I wanted it. That said, we occasionally “treat” ourselves to a high-end and expensive restaurant because I love my wife and she likes to be “pampered” once in a while. She enjoyed Ruth’s Chris for the “ambiance”.
158 posted on
08/24/2013 5:18:30 AM PDT by
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