I had to refrain from further comment on this article out of fear of being banned from this forum for life!
Cannot speak ill of Dear Leader in a communist state.
By the way, FUBO!! Assclown!!
Rubber masks of Nixon and every president since have been used in less than flattering manners, but this one incident in flyover country gets people fired?
No one even uttered ill toward Obama.
The "most powerful man in the world" has a pretty thin skin--either that or his worshipers have one for him. My Reaction? Boycott Missouri Rodeo until they are reinstated. The fired rodeo clown has put his life on the line for others--and that is more valuable, imho, than the piker in the oval office.
Total insanity
The idea that the state should intervene on behalf of the sovereign to censor political speech, even satire, has been rejected time and again in America. By the logic of those who would impose financial sanctions for this act of satire at the Missouri State rodeo fair, what would George III have done to Thomas Jefferson for writing a bill of particulars of the sovereign's crimes in a document called the Declaration of Independence? My original take on this matter has not changed:
The idea that the state should intervene on behalf of the sovereign to censor political speech, even satire, has been rejected time and again in America. By the logic of those who would impose financial sanctions for this act of satire at the Missouri State rodeo fair, what would George III have done to Thomas Jefferson for writing a bill of particulars of the sovereign's crimes in a document called the Declaration of Independence? The article says that the Missouri State fair is subsidized by the state in an amount in excess of $500,000 a year. Presumably the state has given the Missouri State fair the power of police over the grounds and other arrangements which make affair at least a quasi governmental operation. There is no place in America for censorship on behalf of the sovereign, especially by the sovereign.
The essence of that idea was enshrined in the Supreme Court's opinion New York Times vs. Sullivan, which protected the media even when it libels those who have not even attained the exalted position of sovereign, merely because they are celebrities.
We now have in a companion thread the story of a poor Swiss shopgirl being harassed because Oprah Winfrey, with her multibillion-dollar power of the press, says she was slighted. The companion article reveals that the shopgirl says that Oprah simply misunderstood what was said, not unlikely when there is a language barrier. But the point is we have now so institutionalized African-American sensitivity that we have created a monster. The subjective reaction of sensitive African-Americans should never be elevated over the Constitution of the United States.
Black Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and especially black presidents like Barack Obama should not be occasions for the distortion of my birthright-or yours.
Since writing the above an additional report has emerged alleging that Oprah Winfrey in 2005 made a similar complaint while in Europe coincidently just before one of her movies was to be released. The author notes that Winfrey is involved in another movie production now. The implication is that these are stunts for publicity. If so, it illustrates one more reason why it is so dangerous to institutionalize African-American sensitivity. We are pandering always to the subjective reactions of African-Americans to whatever stimulus seems to trouble them today -or offers a likely profit.
When we act as a government, even through quasi-governmental agencies like the Missouri State fair, to deprive people of a livelihood because we disapprove of their political speech, we are proceeding down a dangerous path. When it happened in Hollywood the left has never let the world forget it decrying for the next half-century the so-called Hollywood Blacklist.
The left will never let us forget McCarthyism (or at least its definition of McCarthyism) but we are now suffering from McCarthy in blackface.
If you make fun of “The Great ObamaNation” it’s a hate crime. Even wearing a mask of ‘it’ is a hate crime. Nothing exposes a bad law like its enforcement.
Some FReeper suggested a demonstration/rally where people would be encouraged to wear masks of ‘it’. Sort of like that Guy Fox thing
This is getting insane.
You can no longer parody these people. They do it themselves.
Amen !
But Fist gate pedophiles only get a slap at worst in school districts. Can’t be grading the teacher or the President, I guess.
Funny they say the Fair is Tparty tax payer paid as legitimacy for the firing. That is right, not paid by school officials who are paid by us.
Meanwhile, teachers in CA are “standing in solidarity” with a homosexual pedophile who raped one of his male students.
Not a whimper from the lapdog press.
Do not mock il douchebag.
Hey MO... I will NEVER set foot in your state again... never. I did do business there... no more.
Who needs a clown in a phony mask when we already have Obama?
Missourians are making fools of themselves.
Instead of laughing at a good joke they are showing their cowardice.
Surely the native Missourians are not as fearful as these clowns that call themselves leaders, who fear America’s freedoms.
I expect Missouri to investigate and punish anyone in the crowd who laughed or cheered. Can they order everyone in the stands to take sensitivity classes?
Maybe they will order everyone in the state to take sensitivity classes.
I have had experience with sensitivity classes.
In my experience they sent in a racist black woman to tell me how insensitive I was, That lasted about 10 minutes till I walked out.
I hope every conservative, and every other person in Missouri who has any sense, will boycott the rodeo from now on. I doubt they can keep it going with just left wingers buying tickets.
All cowboys should refuse to participate in the rodeo next year.