What is it with you sorts who think only the sinless may critique immorality
That sorta relativism is rather harmful
And on a conservative forum?
I’m pinging two big minds....3 actually
And someone pretty tough on sexual immorality
This ain’t Salem no matter nor Hawthorne
More like Caligula’s barge and someone has to cut the mooring lines you kniw
One of the great contributions of Christianity to the Roman Empire was the suppression of both sodomy and prostitution.
It's that the sinning "critiquers" are always "critiqiuing" the immorality and sins of others.
It's the "holier than thou your sins are worse than my sins" hypocrisy from sinners!
You pinged me, I assume for a comment.
While I do not claim to be a theologian, I have frequently quoted the Bible in response to the contrived issues on such oxymorons as "same sex marriage," the efforts to force the Boy Scouts to accept men who reject traditional male behavior as male role models, and other ridiculous examples of the asexual assault on normal human sex roles.
I think the theological emphasis in this particular thread is quite proper, because of the way in which RG3 framed his remarks. However, I certainly agree with your point that one does not have to be sexually pure to rightfully disdain socially destructive behavior on moral grounds.
That said, I would add this. The case against the flaunting of what I describe as "asexual behavior," which would include not only the muscular exercises that homosexuals may engage in, in place of physical involvement with the opposite sex, but the Feminist attack on all things truly feminine, while certainly an immense moral issue, is also an immensely important secular issue as well.
In a healthy society, the goal of the teenaged boy to be an honorable & chivalric man, to be worthy of the love of a lovely young woman; as the goal of a well brought up teenaged girl, to be a model of honorable femininity, to someday be the loyal & supportive wife of an honorable & chivalric man, are the stuff that brings out the best--the societal best--in each sex. Is this really debatable? Does anyone, regardless of theology or lack of theology, really have a rational argument for encouraging what is going on right now, where the romantic ideal of civilized peoples throughout history is being openly trashed in the schools, in the media & in entertainment; even by a "President" who proclaims a second tier athlete who "came out of the closet" his hero, twice in one week?
RG3 is a natural athlete; but neither a philosopher, theologian, or public spokesman. He may be forgiven for a half thought out comment. President Obama? Hardly!
William Flax