I watched O'Reilly's weasel words last night, also....and almost "threw up"....period!
Last week, like a blind pig that finds an acorn once in a while, he delivered a pretty good commentary on the Trayvon case which caused a lot of positive reaction country-wide.
Evidently fearing he had strayed too far off the "fair and balanced" reservation, last night he unbelievably and hypocritically jumped off the fence he perpetually sits on to UPHOLD the false claims of the race-baiting industry he had so roundly upbraided several nights ago.
My jaw dropped about 10 feet!
O'Reilly has zero moral/ideological roots or groundings to guide him. He is apt to support or condemn Left or Right at any given moment, only to take an opposite course at a later date. His MO can be summed up in a few sentences (exaggerated for the sake of effect), to wit:
"Obama and the Democrats steal milk out of babies' mouths. Of course, there are Republicans who do this all the time, also".
"Black rioters burned buildings in downtown Kuckamunga last night. Of course, there are Far-Right white extremists who, as you know, perform acts of violence, also."
I make no apologies for "watching The Factor". I view him every night with pad and pen in hand.
BOR is a dangerous man because his show is watched by millions of low-info morons. His moral-equivalency rants should be noted and reported. My motto is "know thy enemy"....and let others know about him, as well.
No one, not even an arrogant know-it-all like BO'R, can report on both goodness and blatant evil in a "fair and balanced" way. It's impossible. His vacillations, shilly-shallying and pandering to the destructive Left by affording its smooth propagandists unchecked exposure every night is threatening to the underpinnings of this Republic. This man and his show need regular push-back.
Well, the Bloviator has carved out his particular niche. It's profitable for him....and it's certainly his right to do what he considers is working out for his own self-interest.
However, that doesn't mean he's untouchable and should not be regularly exposed for his inner weasel-ness and moral equivalency positions on just about everything. The self-interest of this country comes first, in my humble opinion.
Excellent! That means I do not have to watch him - which I have done very little of since he told generals during the Iraq conflict how they should fight wars... That was enough for me.
..and then, when I sat there last night....I could only think....
..Bill, you wouldn't know a deeply held passionate conviction if it hit you in the face!....
... for whatever reason he gave that rant last week
... he negated it last night by backtracking like crazy in the light of day (and a few voices who didn't agree with him)
I am sick up to here with the poor little Trayvon child just going to the store for his skittles.
And do you know on Drudge...if you listen to the whole police report of his 'speeding'.....they actually read out George Zimmerman's full drivers license!!!!
Excellent. I could not agree more on BOR as a weasel. He is almost unwatchable to me & I seldom do unless the subject matter and guest are exceptional.
“Well, the Bloviator has carved out his particular niche. It’s profitable for him....and it’s certainly his right to do what he considers is working out for his own self-interest.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s untouchable and should not be regularly exposed for his inner weasel-ness and moral equivalency positions on just about everything. The self-interest of this country comes first, in my humble opinion.”
Bravo, bravo, well said and written. Spot on.