The Obama administration on Wednesday released formerly classified documents outlining a once-secret program of the National Security Agency that is collecting records of all domestic phone calls in the United States.
I hope they like listening in to 900 calls...
Sometimes I think they call me to see if I’m home.
All those people, and I mean ALL of them, who come here and say ‘where’s the evidence’ should take heed.
It’s simple.
Your smartphone
Your smart TV
Your VM machine.
Your webcam
Your car Bluetooth
Your iPad/Surface
Your OnStar or variation
And your inter/intranet.
EVERYTHING is being tracked. The super-secret Shiite that the Super-Secret personnel actually do surpasses ‘birthdays now’ by 1000%. What you say in your car. What you look like when you look up. What your watch says about you.
This isn’t conspiracy. It’s comufact. Those who don’t know or who provide some kind of GLOMAR responses are poseurs and Administration proponents hiding in plain sight.