In fact, here is a transcript:
«Si scrive tanto della lobby gay. Io finora non ho trovato in Vaticano chi ha scritto “gay” sulla carta d’identità. Bisogna distinguere tra l’essere gay, avere questa tendenza, e fare lobby. Le lobby, tutte le lobby, non sono buone. Se una persona è gay e cerca il Signore con buona volontà, chi sono io per giudicarlo? Il Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica insegna che le persone gay non si devono discriminare, ma si devono accogliere. Il problema non è avere questa tendenza, il problema è fare lobby e questo vale per questo come per le lobby d’affari, le lobby politiche, le lobby massoniche».
Bottom line is he draws a clear distinction between somebody who is sincerely seeking God and happens to have same sex attraction and this “gay lobby”
Reading his actual words, the is no major controversy here.
Well, they have words for homosexuality in Italian don’t they? There is no need to import the misleading euphemism “gay”?
there is controversy..because he is saying it’s okay to be gay...just not lobby
He didn't say "who am I to judge?" with regard to homosexual behavior. He said, "If a person is gay and seeks the Savior with good intent, who am I to judge him?"
He has qualified his nonjudgmentalism to the person who is earnestly seeking Christ, not to any gay person regardless of their mindset; nor does he exempt the behavior, which he goes on to say that the Catechism has clearly explained.
“Reading his actual words, there is no major controversy here.”
Doesn’t matter, Pope said it. Wrong from the start, no matter what.
The harlot who rides the beast is a trojan horse, the pagan high priest of the beast says the word ‘gay’, ‘gay marriage’ will be coming soon to the Babylonian mystery cult goddess worshipping trojan church-whore cult religion of men non-bible believing gay-sayers.
Obviously. Never mind that of those wacked-out Christian groups that have accepted ‘gay marriage’ so far have ALL accepted female clergy/pastors, divorce and remarriage, and birth control within marriage first. Everyone of them as far as I can tell.
So the cult-whore pagan beast-riding edifice of men better get busy, the acceptance of divorce and remarriage seems like a pretty good first general step to get with the gay program. Otherwise they will be marrying gays but not recognizing their subsequent divorces and remarriages.
He writes a lot of the gay lobby. So far I have not found in the Vatican who wrote "gay" on the identity card. One must distinguish between being gay, having this tendency, and lobbying. The lobby, lobbies all, are not good. If a person is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge? The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that gay people not be discriminated against, but you have to accept. The problem is not having this tendency, the problem is to lobby and this applies to this as to the business lobby, the lobby policies, Masonic lobby.
What he said falls in line with what both Catholics and protestants believe.
And how long would they have to seek?