Posted on 07/27/2013 5:59:02 PM PDT by yoe
Did the Obama administration put a target on the backs of members of Navy SEAL Team 6? This is the question that parents of slain SEALs are now asking and rightly so. Forget Benghazi, the IRS, Eric H. Holder Jr. and the National Security Agency spying on U.S. citizens. Important as these scandals are, what happened to SEAL Team 6 could very well dwarf them. Our government betrayed America's finest warriors.
Navy SEAL Team 6 became a household name for their role in killing Osama bin Laden. On May 1, 2011, the country rightly celebrated the death of bin Laden. The Obama administration, however, wanted to do more. It sought to claim full credit for the assassination, deciding to spike the football. On May 3, at an event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did the unthinkable: He publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden's killing. His reckless action put at risk the lives of every member of SEAL Team 6. The Taliban and other jihadists eager to avenge bin Laden now knew which unit to target. Stunned and shocked, SEAL members immediately realized they were going to be hunted by al Qaeda sympathizers.
Karen Vaughn, the mother of slain SEAL Aaron Vaughn, says that within hours after Mr. Biden's comments, her son called to tell her to wipe away every piece of information regarding the family on social media, Facebook and Twitter. "I never heard Aaron that afraid in his life," Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. "He told me: 'Mom, we're picking up chatter. We're not safe. You're not safe. Delete everything.'"
According to Mrs. Vaughn, Mr. Biden essentially placed a bull's-eye on her son's back and that of all the other SEALs. He leaked classified information.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Kuhner article on Seal team 6 ping
“We came, we saw, he died... hahahahaha” - HRC
According to Savage, the entire team was riding a slow-moving Vietnam helicopter at the time of the attack. The military would never put valuable assets in such a vulnerable position, nor would they put the entire team in the same helicopter.
I cannot see that happening unless it was an assassination.
That’s an interesting tale.
But what if the real truth was even worse? We’ll never know of course.
To the families, I care. To the government, I am ashamed. My only other thought is The Lord in Heaven is still in control and although there is no pleasure in knowing it, there are people who are going to pay dearly in the next life.
In my dream, the SEALs are planning their retribution on Hussein and Hillary.
Until this guy.
Its really not a stretch to believe that he traded their lives for Bin Laden's. He and those with whom he surrounds himself hate everything about this nation. Since the SEALs represent the best of what this country has to offer, it makes perfect sense that he'd treat them like a resource to be thrown away when expedient.
FUBO!! Filthy treasonous scum!!
...the original press briefing the families gave months ago is gone from YT...over an hour long it explained A LOT ..and the families WANT ANSWERS..
The Valentine’s Day massacre was less subtle than this operation. May the future belong to the Seals.
A good friend of mine’s nephew was on that helicopter.
Yep. His message and agenda has been to despoil the very best of America.
I think it was a message. It was a message that the Obama Administration can micro manage the military using ROE and equipment restrictions and therefore have power over the top military brass.
The Pentagon was still trying to defend the U.S. and the Obama administration is having NONE OF THAT.
The message was to the brass and the message was .... we killed your best men, so bow before your new God)
whoa...hold on I found it here:
PLEASE when you have the time to watch this, please do
Congress has as much interest in protecting Navy Seals
as they have in protecting America.
NONE. Zero. Zed. Nada.
This will not end well.
“What does it matter?”
signed, hildabeast.
Forget Benghazi, the IRS, Eric H. Holder Jr. and the National Security Agency spying on U.S. citizens. Important as these scandals are, what happened to SEAL Team 6 could very well dwarf them.
Dwarfs them? An investigation of this wouldn’t hurt bammy any more than the other “phony scandals” have. That is, it wouldn’t leave so much as a scratch on him. And thats exactly what bammy and Pravda USSA would call any investigation,,,just another phony scandal by the creepy ass crackers in the GOP. Have an investigation,,,fine. Just don’t hope it will hurt The Legend of The One, because it won’t.
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