Why would a Black Panther, the very soul of the Liberal Socialist Democrat movement, admit that they were tipped off and paid off by the regime?
If they say A, I say B. This confirms it for me.
Obama wants a race war - in order to seize more of the freedoms we enjoy — or did enjoy at one time...it’s all part of the planning...
Of course the DOJ will never look into anything that the New Black Panther Party does. The reason is simple. It is race. You can see it by looking at Holder. You can see it by looking at Obama.
Open season on anyone who does not look like Trayvon...with DOJ blessings.
Mikhail Muhammand....!! Quite the name...there!!
I'm thinking you don't really want to go for an eye for an eye...and a tooth for a tooth angle....
Why would they contact the NBPP, did their marching orders change?
I got this covered boss!
Dude, I watch everything I say publicly! When the Dayton Accords were in progress, a friend of a friend jokingly commented, in a phone conversation to someone at WPAFB, that Clinton shouldn’t go near the target range and was visited by the Secret SErvice. Twice!
From his first 5 minutes in office, Holder has made it very clear that he would NOT prosecute any crimes done by blacks against whites.
How long will he last in CW II????
Barack Obama and Eric Holder are both Black Racist
Can you imagine the crapstorm if a white President did not arrest the KKK for making a death threat against a Black suspect? The Black Racists would throw a hissy fit
The inmates are running the asylum and the **gg**s are running the plantation.
re: “Brother James J. Muhammad, the National Director of Education for The Ordinary People Society New Black Panther Party”
Don’t you love the titles these Marxist thug groups give themselves. Sounds almost Orwellian.
What the NBPP is doing now is making me fear for my life and my families well being!
Hence Justifiable!