I currently have a 200 gallon holding tank for my water that the pump fills once the pressure drops to 35 psi.
I have considered a solar power setup for the pump, but have never really looked into it.
For those who already have a well operated with an electric pump, they do make a rather inexpensive bucket that is long and narrow that you can use to manually bring up water from your well.
Hubby tells me he can rewire the pump to use with the generator or maybe some solar device, but then he won’t do it until after the emergency, because we’ve always been ok in past outages with our emergency supplies (sigh). I figure that bucket will save my peace of mind until then.
Cisterns are pretty expensive to put in, but they are great. When I was a kid, many of the old houses in the country, had cisterns. They were great for laundry etc. They weren’t considered potable, but with the filters that preppers have that wouldnt’ be a problem.