That was precisely Willard Mitt Romney’s reason.
When he sold companies, everyone lost healthcare
and blamed him.
So he screwed the taxpayers, and the entire USA.
Exactly. The creators of socialized ObamaCare knew all along that it would not work. One cannot indefinitely force private insurance companies to take people with preexisting conditions. The insurance companies—crippled with red tape— will run out of money and shut their doors.
Then single payer will come in as the white knight. Virtually all doctors and nurses will be forced to work for one giant nationwide hospital. One dirty, bureaucratic, cruel, overcrowded, germ-filled hospital. Just like in England.
Just wait.
Obamacare was intended to DESTROY the system of private insurance and health care providers.
Young people will have to spend the money they normally would have spent on starter houses, cars, furniture and other traditional fixtures of starting a life on health care for other people who refuse to take care of themselves.
Broke cities RUN BY DEMOCRATIC PARTY looking...
Probably one of the reasons it was developed.
I thought the same when I read this. A devious way for democrat controlled municipalities to escape the consequences of having rewarded their public service union allies over the years at the expense of the taxpayer.
The worst bill bar none that ever passed through the Congress. Thanks Congress, Thanks Nancy.
Guess the high loans from liberal elite colleges isn’t enough to burden young American with... that’s the dem ‘logic’ right?
And now you know the rest of the story.....
That will be a the first big fight over debt/revenues between large groups of government income recipients: those currently employed by government (inspectors, teachers, social workers, police, emergency/rescue persons, others) vs. pensioners. That’s where the only chance for shifting noticeably sizable chunks of debt/revenues really is.
That’s exactly why it was developed. obama admitted as much in an interview before the 2008 election.
Yeah. Didn’t see that comin. /sarc