I see very few conservatives who think he’s guilty, but...
I am seeing more RINOs jumping on the he is guilty wagon.
My friends who are more Rinoish, are attacking GZ. There was something else too, but I just lost my thought train....
Remember, RINOs pushed this trial to begin with also
I’m not a conspiracy person, but something is hokie here.
It’s almost like the freaking immigration deal.
RINOs and Libturds vs. Conservatives and MOST PEOPLE on the glaringly obvious facts.
It would be better for people in cities if he were guilty. The People don’t care about the facts. They want a win. If they lose, they riot. I have several friends who only know one thing about this case: Zman is guilty. The facts are irrelevant. One of these friends lives really close to a downtown where they had a riot this week. He wants Zman to burn so his house doesn’t.
This case is really splitting the liberals on my favorite liberal site. The “thinking liberals that believe Z is innocent think there liberal brethren are as nutty as we think they are. It’s kinda comical.