But au contraire; the President doesn't care about science, proof,or the validity to limits on power plants. He's mind is already made up so please don't confuse him with about what he wants to do.
So, here now is the culmination of his first term's work laying the ground work in which America's ability as the world's largest economy is very likely to see productivity hampered, more jobs being lost,never to return, Obama's plan to destroy America begins with the curtailment of power plants idled due to some utterly disingenuous, totally fraudulent conspiracy to destroy America's economic, military might and the curtailment of the bountiful cornucopia America has enjoyed for so many decades.
It's so utterly transparent at how rigged, this global warming libel against America has no other purpose but the deliberate destruction America.
“global warming pollution”
See y’all around the campfire. It’ll be the only way to see or stay warm. But then again...no wood burning, comrade!
Coal & natural gas burning power plants are hard pressed to meet the recently enacted rules on emissions due to costs & difficulties in designing & installing scrubbers to take out co2 & other emissions.
Double up on rules & we will have plants shutting down, higher rates & brown outs. The economy will tank and jobless will sit home with no TV, heat or AC.
The bastard.
fubo you are not the lawmaking branch of government. fubo straight to hell.
Agenda 21 in action, completely out of the closet. It’s probably too late to stop this stuff. They’ve been laying the foundations since June, 1941, the date of the Inter-Allied Declaration. If anyone bothers to read Diana West’s new book “American Betrayal: the Secret Assault on our Nation’s Character” they’ll learn who was behind it and how it all came to be.
Young people are leaving him; Bush's approval is higher than his.
He always does this when he gets hit hard. When he got in trouble over Benghazi he announced anew he would seek to close Guantanamo to get his people back on board.
They should just cut to the chase and make it illegal to combine any elements on the periodic table in any way, without a license, payment of fees for processing said license, and sufficiently burdensome taxes to discourage elemental manipulation directly or indirectly for profit. Any such process would be exempt insofar as it can be shown to contribute to political party coffers and agents of those parties.
Executive orders apply ONLY to the Executive Branch. Nobody else has to give a crap about them.
Duh!!! They also are the single largest source of electricity.
Hummmm. What's the game plan here? Tank the economy or make someone very wealthy?
Could be both. Probably is both.
Move to Europe Ass clown Obama!...
This will not help sales of the coal-powered Chevy Dolt.
And how many tens of billions does Obama Motors owe us taxpayers after all these years for union benefits?
With interest?
natural gas for heating the
Billionaires Club of Chicago
not affected.
stupid ass Republicans say nothing
The Big O did not lie...at least about this.
During his first campaign he said “Under his plan, electricity prices would necessarily increase”. Paraphrasing his blather.
And his followers ignored or cheered.
I fear we are sooo out of luck.
It looks like it won’t be long before Barack the Kenyan has us choosing whether to pay our health insurance premiums or the light bill. Thanks low information voters! You done good! ***holes!
Everything is revenge with this guy. Obama minions: your God Obama is petty.
“Electric power plants are the largest single source of global warming pollution in the country, responsible for nearly 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.”
A VERY CAREFULLY and EFFECTIVELY written sentence, implying that electrical power plants in the United States, ALONE, are responsible for 40 of GLOBAL warming in the WORLD. That is why the otherwise-discredited term “global warming” is used.
The truth, not that it matters though, is that China is well ahead of us in greenhouse gas emissions, and pulling away. We are only 18% of the world to begin with, and of that, only one third is from electricity.
So we are attacking a GRAND TOTAL of 6% of greenhouse gasses - in other words if we SHUT DOWN every power plant, world greenhouse gasses would reduce by a total of 6% - that’s it, not the 40% that this story is designed to make us believe. And, by the way, that 6% would be replaced in less than a decade by China and other countries.