Posted on 06/18/2013 5:45:39 AM PDT by SoFloFreeper
...Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin said they would sign an agreement on securing and destroying nuclear material to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, replacing a 1992 deal that expired on Monday.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The Rooskies destroy obsolete nukes.
The US gets to write checks.
Impeach him.
The fulfillment of the promise he made on an open mic....promising that after the election he would be in a better position to give and make concessions.
Agreement?? Treaty?? Requires Congressional approval??
More flexibility - read that as “Ahhh, I won’t give a {expletive} ummm, what the American people want, ahhhh, or what’s best for them. Ummmm, not that I ever did, just that after the second election, ahhh, I won’t have to pretend to anymore.” includes the other states formerly part of the Soviet Union.
we keep 1/3 of our obsolete nukes and destroy the rest
the Russians get to come watch
we build new plan for total US nuke disarmament, ending with 0 weapons is the goal
the Russians get to build a new generation of Nukes
of course we dont get to watch
in fact, we turn off our intel gathering as instructed
We invite them to observe our nuke exercises, production facilities, research labs, and command centers and their officers to participate in our military training to help them improve their targeting (of us)
All our earnest transparent sincerity persuades the Russians to follow our example and trust us
and the world becomes a safer place
(Did I just recapture obama’s nuke disarmament college thesis?)
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