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Coulter: If the GOP is this stupid, it deserves to die
Human Events ^ | 6/12/2013 | Ann Coulter

Posted on 06/12/2013 6:42:51 PM PDT by markomalley

Democrats terrify Hispanics into thinking they’ll be lynched if they vote for Republicans, and then turn around and taunt Republicans for not winning a majority of the Hispanic vote.

This line of attack has real resonance with our stupidest Republicans. (Proposed Republican primary targets: Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.) Which explains why Republicans are devoting all their energy to slightly increasing their share of the Hispanic vote while alienating everyone else in America.

It must be fun for liberals to manipulate Republicans into focusing on hopeless causes. Why don’t Democrats waste their time trying to win the votes of gun owners?

As journalist Steve Sailer recently pointed out, the Hispanic vote terrifying Republicans isn’t that big. It actually declined in 2012. The Census Bureau finally released the real voter turnout numbers from the last election, and the Hispanic vote came in at only 8.4 percent of the electorate — not the 10 percent claimed by the pro-amnesty crowd.

The sleeping giant of the last election wasn’t Hispanics; it was elderly black women, terrified of media claims that Republicans were trying to suppress the black vote and determined to keep the first African-American president in the White House.

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, 10 percent more blacks voted in 2012 compared to 2008, even beating white voters, the usual turnout champions. Eligible black voters turned out at rate of 66.2 percent, compared to 64.1 percent of eligible white voters. Only 48 percent of all eligible Hispanic voters went to the polls.

No one saw this coming, which is probably why Gallup had Romney up by 5 points before Hurricane Sandy hit, and up by 1 point in its last pre-election poll after the hurricane.
Only two groups voted in larger numbers in 2012 compared to 2008: blacks aged 45-64, and blacks over the age of 65 — mostly elderly black women.

In raw numbers, nearly twice as many blacks voted as Hispanics, and nine times as many whites voted as Hispanics. (Ninety-eight million whites, 18 million blacks and 11 million Hispanics.)

So, naturally, the Republican Party’s entire battle plan going forward is to win slightly more votes from 8.4 percent of the electorate by giving them something they don’t want.

As Byron York has shown, even if Mitt Romney had won 70 percent of the Hispanic vote, he still would have lost. No Republican presidential candidate in at least 50 years has won even half of the Hispanic vote.

In the presidential election immediately after Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986, the Republican share of the Hispanic vote actually declined from 37 percent to 30 percent — and that was in a landslide election for the GOP. Combined, the two Bush presidents averaged 32.5 percent of the Hispanic vote — and they have Hispanics in their family Christmas cards.

John McCain, the nation’s leading amnesty proponent, won only 31 percent of the Hispanic vote, not much more than anti-amnesty Romney’s 27 percent.
Amnesty is a gift to employers, not employees.

The (pro-amnesty) Pew Research Hispanic Center has produced poll after poll showing that Hispanics don’t care about amnesty. In a poll last fall, Hispanic voters said they cared more about education, jobs and health care than immigration. They even care more about the federal budget deficit than immigration! (To put that in perspective, the next item on their list of concerns was “scratchy towels.”)

Also, note that Pew asked about “immigration,” not “amnesty.” Those Hispanics who said they cared about immigration might care about it the way I care about it — by supporting a fence and E-Verify.

Who convinced Republicans that Hispanic wages aren’t low enough and what they really need is an influx of low-wage workers competing for their jobs?

Maybe the greedy businessmen now running the Republican Party should talk with their Hispanic maids sometime. Ask Juanita if she’d like to have seven new immigrants competing with her for the opportunity to clean other people’s houses, so that her wages can be dropped from $20 an hour to $10 an hour.

A wise Latina, A.J. Delgado, recently explained on why amnesty won’t win Republicans the Hispanic vote — even if they get credit for it. Her very first argument was: “Latinos will resent the added competition for jobs.”

But rich businessmen don’t care. Big Republican donors — and their campaign consultants — just want to make money. They don’t care about Hispanics, and they certainly don’t care what happens to the country. If the country is hurt, I don’t care, as long as I am doing better! This is the very definition of treason.

Hispanic voters are a small portion of the electorate. They don’t want amnesty, and they’re hopeless Democrats. So Republicans have decided the path to victory is to flood the country with lots more of them!

It’s as if Republicans convinced Democrats to fixate on banning birth control to win more pro-life voters. This would be great for Republicans because Democrats will never win a majority of pro-life voters, and about as many pro-lifers care about birth control as Hispanics care about amnesty.

But that still wouldn’t be as idiotic as what Republicans are doing because, according to Gallup, pro-lifers are nearly half of the electorate. Hispanics are only 8.4 percent of the electorate.

And it still wouldn’t be as stupid as the GOP pushing amnesty, because banning birth control wouldn’t create millions more voters who consistently vote against the Democrats.

Listening to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus burble a few weeks ago on “Fox News Sunday” about how amnesty is going to push the Republicans to new electoral heights, one is reminded of Democratic pollster Pat Caddell’s reason for refusing to become a Republican: No matter how enraged he gets at Democratic corruption, he says he can’t bear to join such a stupid party as the GOP.

TOPICS: Editorial; Front Page News; Government
KEYWORDS: aliens; amnesty; anncoulter; borders; coulter; illegalaliens; illegals; immigrationbill
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To: sickoflibs

And no, Republicans are not going along with this because they want to lose their own elections. That one is not worth debating. Its mainly #1 and/or #2

Rubio & Ryan are making selfish personal political calculations. They are arsonists trying to shore up personal power bases to keep their gravy coming in while the GOP burns down. Then in 2020 or 2024 they will run for POTUS. None of the first team GOPe will run in 2016. They want nothing to do with engaging the Dems right now.

61 posted on 06/12/2013 9:20:14 PM PDT by lodi90
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To: markomalley
10 percent more blacks voted in 2012 compared to 2008

Given recent revelations about NSA, I'm not so sure about this anymore. Register those who aren't registered, vote for those that don't vote, if you get caught they won't object. I would think a larger number would turn out for the first, historic election than for re-election.

62 posted on 06/12/2013 9:22:08 PM PDT by informavoracious (We're being "punished" with Stanley Ann's baby. Obamacare: shovel-ready healthcare.)
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To: xzins
Ann Coulter must be evaluated one issue at a time. I do the same thing with Pat Buchanen. (And now, apparently, Rand Paul.)

I agree completely. Ann is usually right about the issues - - she just has horrible taste in men. It will take a long, LONG time for her to shake her embarrassing, if brief, Pork Porkie infatuation, as well as her duplicitous spin in support of Mittens. I hope she has plenty of time, but I think she is going to give it a go.

Her columns are still worth reading.

63 posted on 06/12/2013 9:37:07 PM PDT by Lancey Howard
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To: Personal Responsibility
Yep. They’re not the stupid party for nothing. After all, whatcha gonna do? Vote Democrat? /sigh

No, but you can do what I did last November - - vote for conservatives in races that have a conservative on the ticket and don't vote in races that don't have a conservative on the ticket. (shrug) Easy.

64 posted on 06/12/2013 9:42:53 PM PDT by Lancey Howard
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To: markomalley

Put an end to this stupid party and let the replacement arise from the ashes like a PHOENIX. SOON.

65 posted on 06/12/2013 10:10:32 PM PDT by Cheerio (Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
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To: markomalley

Coulter is making sense again which means she must be getting serviced regularly.

66 posted on 06/12/2013 10:33:18 PM PDT by VideoDoctor
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To: markomalley
Ann has been right (correct) on most opinions.

She has a few outliers of course (Christie, for example), but she's usually correct, and unafraid to challenge the GOP stupids.

Ann is our ally on the uber important worries of amnesty for illegal aliens and gun confiscation, and she better at summarizing complex situations than most (if not all) on Capitol Hill.


67 posted on 06/12/2013 10:35:50 PM PDT by Seaplaner (Never give in. Never give in. Never...except to convictions of honour and good sense. W. Churchill)
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To: xzins
"Ann Coulter must be evaluated one issue at a time. I do the same thing with Pat Buchanen. (And now, apparently, Rand Paul.)"

Ditto. Add in Rubio. Sad.

My love for Reagan grows every year - after dealing with wave after wave of GOP-e and RINO idiots.

My disappointment over Ted Cruz's POTUS eligibility grows in direct proportion to my disappointment with Rubio's immigration policy disclosures. :-(

68 posted on 06/12/2013 10:44:11 PM PDT by uncommonsense (Liberals see what they believe; Conservatives believe what they see.)
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To: Cicero
Yes, she’s back on track with this one. But her support for gay activists (GOProud) and then Mitt Romney pretty well finished her off as someone who can be counted on.

Well said.

69 posted on 06/12/2013 11:03:53 PM PDT by neverdem (Register pressure cookers! /s)
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To: markomalley

She’s a Bipolar Pundit. She is either out of her mind in liberal fantasy or on her conservative meds. This bit of commentary is when she is at her best with all the facts at her fingertips.

Good work here Ann. But next time you feel a liberal episode about to be triggered, lock yourself in your room and force yourself to look at a photo of Michael Moron’s Butt Crack for about two hours until the episode passes; then take a shower.

70 posted on 06/13/2013 12:00:44 AM PDT by Hostage (Be Breitbart!)
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To: markomalley

Republicans? They are stuck on stupid. Always tilting at windmills instead of going after what really matters.... less government and more individual freedoms.

71 posted on 06/13/2013 12:37:31 AM PDT by MovementConservative (Go Mariners! 2014!)
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To: MovementConservative

So it’s safe to conclude that the Republican Party will soon fall apart. What should conservatives do to adapt? Perhaps consider these options:

A.) Form a Third Party (But too costly, time-consuming and could take decades before and if we become a formidable political party)

B.) Join the Democrat Party and form the conservative wing. At least this would give Barry and Hildabeast a few headaches.

C.) Do a Karl Rove-in-reverse. Hire ourselves out as Democrat political operatives and sabotage all their schemes. If Karl Rove could single-handedly destroy the GOP, I’m sure there a few Freepers smart enough to do the same to the Democrat Party.

So what’s the best option?

72 posted on 06/13/2013 12:46:52 AM PDT by TexGrill (Don't mess with Texas)
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To: sickoflibs; Impy; stephenjohnbanker
The two arguments regarding the GOPs motives for supporting this are : 1) because they believe that this will help them in elections regarding Hispanics and 2) That they were bought off by business (SJB main point) There is truth to both of them.

I agree with you, but not with R buffoons (#1) that this will help them in elections apart from money from fat cats.

73 posted on 06/13/2013 1:05:44 AM PDT by ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas (Fool me once, shame on you -- twice, shame on me -- 100 times, it's U. S. immigration policy.)
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To: TexGrill
My suggestions for the national GOP?

1. Don't let the crazies and sleazy become the face of the party.(Donald Trump, Todd Akin, Christine O'Donnell, et al.) Conversely, promote Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and other intelligent, dynamic pols as the face of the party.

2. Focus on individual liberties and limiting government in citizens lives.

3. Leave the states to figure out how to govern themselves. Cut the Federal gov and return local control.

TexGrill, as long as there are places in the Republican Party where people get together and talk about "legitimate rape", the GOP will be seen as the intrusive and loony party. Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock found receptive audiences in some GOP circles for their ideas. Until the loons are told to hit the road, boils like those two and Trump will continue to pop up.

74 posted on 06/13/2013 1:08:14 AM PDT by MovementConservative (Go Mariners! 2014!)
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To: MovementConservative

Marco Rubio? Really? I understand what you say about Todd Akin, but supporting the Leftist Marco Rubio isn’t a good idea either. How come you never mentioned Sen. Ted Cruz as someone to endorse?

75 posted on 06/13/2013 1:11:57 AM PDT by TexGrill (Don't mess with Texas)
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To: TexGrill

Only a liberal would come up with such a lousy list of candidates. Pay no mind.

76 posted on 06/13/2013 1:25:06 AM PDT by lodi90
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To: Cheerio
Put an end to this stupid party and let the replacement arise from the ashes like a PHOENIX. SOON.

The problem at its core, is the stupidity of conservatives who continue to nominate and vote for the stupid Republicans.

If conservatives fall for the McCains, Bushes, and Romneys year after year what is going to magically make them change if you repackage the same voters under a different label?

77 posted on 06/13/2013 2:41:02 AM PDT by ClaytonP
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To: Labyrinthos

Coulter’s candidate lost not because of little old Black ladies, but because Romney sucked as a condidate and couldn’t excite the conservative base.

...hate to break it to you and to your cohorts, but any candidate who would excite you would’ve garnered 191 EV’s, compared to Romney’s 206, probably losing North Carolina in the process...what makes you think otherwise? Who would’ve exceeded that amount? Palin? Gingrich?
...Republicans weren’t going to win in 2012 in any scenario, and Romney did as well, with good showings in Ohio and Florida, as could be expected...conservative voters are already the most reliable poll goers, and thinking some mythical ultra conservative candidate is going to excite millions of additional conservative voters (which is precisely what would’ve been required) is delusional...

78 posted on 06/13/2013 3:37:42 AM PDT by IrishBrigade
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To: manc
Why don’t Democrats waste their time trying to win the votes of gun owners?

Anyone notice Chris Wallace never looks soulful while asking dems what they'll do about NOT have the white male vote, or the gun owners vote, or the traditional Christian vote. NEVER. The GOP is so stupid they listen to their enemies (dems) give them advice.

If the GOP wants to survive they need to make strong appeals to the people who support them...

79 posted on 06/13/2013 5:34:45 AM PDT by GOPJ (Why donÂ’t Democrats waste their time trying to win the votes of gun owners? - Coulter)
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To: IrishBrigade

Hate to break it to you but Romney would have back-benched the conservative movement whereas Obama unites and strengthens it by providing a target-rich environment.

It’s called the give and sway of the electorate of independents that decides the elections. Just look at the South once a bastion of Democrat politics now a swamp to the progressive minded.

To win a war one must first defeat the opposition within before focusing on the enemy outside. The US Army Brass during WWII spent more time fighting each other politically in the first two years of that war than they did focusing on the enemy. Same thing under Lincoln with the Army of the Potomac under McClellan.

And of course the same pattern with Rockefeller Republicans against Ronald Reagan.

History repeats.

Romney, Rove, Bush Family, etc. need to step aside....soon they will have no choice.

80 posted on 06/13/2013 5:39:42 AM PDT by Hostage (Be Breitbart!)
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