Another article on death of bees and Monsanta - corn seed coated with neonicotinoids. Monsanta will hold a meeting.
Read the article. Enormous death of bees 2012-2013.
Hubby bought some corn from the local feed and garden supply store. When I asked him if it was GMO, he wasn’t sure, so I talked him into planting Bantam Heirloom Corn.
He was a biology teacher. Oldest daughter majored in bio chemistry. They remain unconvinced that GMOs are bad, but they do agree that Monsanto should not be allowed to lock up the world’s supply of seeds.
I just told them that I didn’t think that scientists understood DNA as well as God, and he didn’t make it possible for fish to mate with plants, so I wouldn’t be eating any of those kind of tomatoes.
Fortunately, Hubby does prefer to plant heirlooms and save the seeds, but I am sharing what I am reading about the subject. I am sure that he will do some additional reading too.