Posted on 05/25/2013 9:41:37 PM PDT by george76
Since the IRS scam has become the most momentous topic of the day, we now know, thanks to my father, that Obamas brother, Malik Obama, is deeply associated with Omar al-Bashir, the one who was behind the attack on the US embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, which occurred at around the same time as the Benghazi attack
Malik is the Executive Secretary for the Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO), which is stationed in Khartoum, Sudan, and which has its primary focus in expanding Wahhabist Islam in the African subcontinent. It was also in Khartoum, as I have written on before, where Bashir declared that he was going to make Sudans new constitution 100 percent Islamic.
Malik Obama shares the same desires as Bashir, in fact both of them attended the General Conference of the Islamic Council of South Sudan, and both attended a meeting for the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Dawa Organization,
Right now, Bashirs government is executing the dechristianization of and the systematic holocaust of Christians in his country. He is violently enforcing that Arabic, the language of Islam, be the dominant tongue; foreign missionaries have been forcibly deported, and churches have been bulldozed. In 2012, Bashir gave Christians till March 1 to leave North Sudan, but half a million of them were stranded, leaving them open targets for Muslims thirsty for Christian blood.
Malik Obama is not only working with a terrorist who attacked the United States, but also a mass murderer.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
runs in the family...
2 pees in a plot
I . am . so . sur . prised.
Wait. WTH? How is this not front page news? Not in MSM obviously, but on conservative tal shows
The Obamas again...
Is this the same MALIK OBAMA that started the Barck H Obama foundation that the IRS gave retroactive non profit status approvalto?
A fiction writer would be hard pressed to weave such a web of corruption and not make it come off as completely outlandish. Maybe the bam is actually a member of the bin laden family. Wouldn’t surprise me at this point.
This is getting ridiculous. We’re just whistling past the graveyard at this point.
..... Well .... unless the Prez has more brothers with the name of Malik .... You just may be on to something. The pieces of this tangled web seem to be coming together. The President of the United States sure has some curious family members and associates. And strangely ..... Americans are asked if not required or ordered to just look the other way or bury our collective heads in the sand for some curious reason. I wonder what would happen if the country decided not to comply with that requirement/order?
Well, Jimmeah had Billeah....
What’s with the first “dress”? She didn’t even SEW it! The salvages on the edges are all still there (the white portion with the writing at the bottom and the top). It’s like she cut the fabric off a bolt and pinned it together or something...
I had no idea Katy Perry was so pathetic as to wear Obama’s pictures and slogans like that... Instant loss of whatever respect I had left of her (not much to lose).
What next the UK head lopper on t shirts
Mass murderers run America, including Holder.
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