Primary Linseed, please?
And no one holds them accountable. No wonder Rubio thinks he'll still have a political career after shilling for this abomination.
Our system of government is a farce.
I think The House will kill this sell out of the great American Nation. How can anyone believe the enforcement provisions? Obama and his ilk don’t enforce the laws we have now. GW was not great on enforcement either, we never established the computerized visa system called for by law nor the fence
The history of Amnesties is the illegals become legal first! They always get theirs right away! While the enforcement provisions are never lived up to
We have 4 Republicans left in the Senate.
That is what this means, Don’t even want to talk about bi-partisan, we cannot be bi-partisan when we only have 4 Republicans. The rest are just trash RINO’s.
God help us we need a new party and fast . We have been sold down the river by this trash calling themselves Republicans.
Let’s see what the House does with this garbage.
Time to take names and addresses.
(Anyone else sick to death of Rubio’s self-promoting radio commercials?)
What's with those guys?
If I was a Senator in Washington right now, I’d be wiping my ass with all you people too.
For all your talk getting rid of the moderates, RINOs keep getting elected.
I see my worthless Senator, John Cornyn (RINO - TX) is selling out the American people. I’ve got to call his office and give them an earful.
I can't say what I'd rather do to them.
The Scrubio commercials aren’t helping.
I am done w the GOP if Illegal Alien Amnesty passes. No sense wasting a vote on a party against border and national security
This is outrageous, and a sign of what's wrong with these people. Almost a TRILLION EFFING DOLLARS is a "technical fix." I'll bring the feathers, someone start cooking up the tar.
Other than adding trillions to our national debt, how does this amnesty fiasco help Americans? Do these foghorns work for US or for the foreign nationals and terrorists illegally entering the country?
We HAVE rules for gaining entry legally. We are NOT enforcing them. We haven't since Pres Eisenhower gathered up nearly all of them and sent them by ship back to deep Mexico.
Anytime the rules aren't followed the result in chaos.
I sent the following letter to both of my senators:
Dear Senator _________,
I am opposed to S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act and strongly encourage you to vote against this bill when it comes to a floor vote in the Senate. Politicians from both political parties are treating American citizenship as though it were a prize to be won on a TV game show. It is not. In no other country on earth is illegal immigration treated as lackadaisically as it is here in America. In Mexico, illegal immigrants are first sentenced to a term in prison before being deported to their home country. They are not rewarded with offers of citizenship, reduced or even free college tuition or access to public health and welfare institutions as we currently do with illegal immigrants.
Many claim that the illegal immigrants only seek a better life in America and are doing no harm. However, simply coming uninvited to America is a crime because they are ignoring and violating both our national sovereignty as well as our existing immigration laws. In addition, for many to obtain work, they purchase forged Social Security cards or other false documentation indicating that they are legal residents of the United States. These forged/falsified documents are violations of federal laws to which members of both political parties turn a blind eye.
The fact is that by refusing to enforce existing laws and imprisoning or deporting illegal immigrants, we are encouraging more to come. Many more. And, come they have bringing diseases, crime and questionable backgrounds that are increasingly burdening law enforcement. In many places, the catch and release programs only encourage additional crimes and are an insult to American citizens who would not be eligible for the same treatment. And, none of these equate to the drain that illegal immigrants have placed on our social, health and welfare services that have caused many cities and states to increase taxes in order to be able to continue providing these services to the American taxpayers who pay for them.
Above all, Senator, I have reached my limit of being treated like a foreigner in my own country. Everywhere I turn, there are Spanish language commercials on radio and television channels as well as Spanish billboards, and both English and Spanish labels on items available on store shelves. More often than not, because many store stocking positions are held by Spanish Speakers, it is not uncommon for an item to be placed on a store shelf with the Spanish label to the aisle and the English label to the back of the shelf.
Finally, I would also ask why the federal government requires that election ballots be printed in both English and Spanish? One of the requirements of a naturalized American citizen is that he/she be able to speak, read and understand conversational English. That being the case, why is it necessary to print election ballots in any language other than English? The taxpayers could save a lot of money each election if ballots were printed only in the traditional language of the United States, English!
Thank you, Senator.
These scumbag Republicans who are voting with the Democrats need to be flushed down the toilet.
A group of conservative leaders, including Al Cardenas, chairman of the American Conservative Union, and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax reform, issued a statement Wednesday in support of the legislation.
enabling law enforcement to pick up illegal immigrants after theyve traveled as many as 50 miles into the United States.
Why not 5 inches ??? 5 feet ???
Would 5 yards not signal the illegal alien intentionly entered illegally ???
Since Schumer is a Zionist, he whould be asked why Israel seems able to do this but not the US. He should also be asked why we have a moral obligation to legalize invaders when Israel has no qualms about kicking them out.