Rubio is a traitor.
Who inserted that provision? They should be exposed, charged with treason, run out of washington, and dropped off as an illegal immigrant to Mexico.
Wow. Just the thing for an era of high unemployment: Increase the unemployment!
What a concept....
“Give me. . . the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. . .”
Rubio clearly belongs to he wrong party, he lies, misstates the truth and then tells us that the "immigration system is broken!"
Senator Rubio, if the immigration system is broken, who, pray tell broke it!
Certainly not US!
Congress promised to fix it in 1986, hasn't then tells us in 2007 it was broken and they needed to fix it, we refused to go along with them.
Now, it's still broken and they're promising to "fix it" again, all we need to do is believe them again and quit being racist and nativist and demanding all of the lawbreakers go home!!!
As for me, unless all of those millions here, leave, take their underage children with them and go to the back of the line behind those who are trying to immigrate the right way, I'll vote against each and everyone who promises to "fix it" again, no matter what party they belong to or who they are or who is standing behind them, offering them billions in campaign contributions!
The real question is, once the 8 gangstas sneak their amnesty bill through, will Mexico become a ghost town?
Thankfully this will never survive the House, even if it manages to ooze out of the Senate.
Siblings ... it took more than 10 years for my wife to get two of her siblings here and she was a citizen at the time of application. It took 5 years for the application to be processed and approved and another 5 years to wait for an “available” immigration number based on yearly quotas.
Why am I surprised?
Deport the “Gang of Eight!”
Rubio is going to switch parties after this passes. Watch.
Its all about “the race.” I know of two Latino GOP activists that are pushing for this monstrousity and am beginning to wonder if they are not plants. They are backing Rubio big time on this bill, saying the GOP is losing because of their resistance.
Rubio is forever tainted in my book. Give me a real conservative Latino like Ted Cruz and forget this sham. That commerical with him blabbing about how tough this bill is on illegals wants to make me puke.
It’s instructive that none of the bill’s advocates are aware of its contents. It seems that, as with the HC bill, nobody with a vote has actually read the bloody thing.
I know I’ve mentioned this before...
but check out the Edict of Caracalla, 212 AD. There’s a Wiki entry on it.
The Emperor’s motivation to legalize Rome’s illegals was the same as present Washington’s: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
and each of those legalized get to bring in extended families too, under existing law!
I've HAD IT with him. Conservative my ass - the guy is as phony as a three dollar bill.