Gomez crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon moments before the blast. He did not exploit this for political gain.
He is a former US Navy Seal.
One poll has him trailing by 4 points.
1 posted on
05/04/2013 7:54:59 PM PDT by
To: topher
He’s another liberal. A Scott Brown type, but in a state like Massascrewit, its worth it just to deprive the DemoRats of procedural votes.
2 posted on
05/04/2013 7:57:03 PM PDT by
To: topher
Gomez is hideous. Scott Brown on liberal steroids. Please warn me ahead of time if you ever plan on posting about this slug again. And then don’t post it. Now go do some research.
3 posted on
05/04/2013 8:05:07 PM PDT by
(Sarah Palin got more votes in 2008 than Mitt Romney got in 2012)
To: topher
U.S. Naval Academy honors graduate, carrier pilot, SEAL, Harvard MBA, who made a fortune creating jobs running a private equity portfolio ...
Lawyer, career politician, member of the KKK (Kennedy klan kisser), with a solid libtard record ...
Difficult choice!
5 posted on
05/04/2013 8:11:34 PM PDT by
(If idiots could fly, Washington would be an airport)
To: topher
The Massachusetts election machine is completely fraudulent. Only the predetermined Dem will win - even if not one vote was cast for that canditate.
6 posted on
05/04/2013 8:11:55 PM PDT by
(O < 0)
To: topher
7 posted on
05/04/2013 8:24:47 PM PDT by
(Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
To: topher
Gomez is a scumbag Democrat who supported Ubama.
It’s all a silly game in Massachusetts. There truly is only one party there, much as in, say, Philadelphia.
To: topher
I understand Gomez is pro-amnesty, pro-homo marriage, and pro-gun control. No way in hell would I ever give such a person my vote. Hope the creep loses.
12 posted on
05/04/2013 8:39:31 PM PDT by
To: topher
Gomez crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon moments before the blast. He did not exploit this for political gain.
If I had to bet, I’d guess Gabby lied about this like everything else and took the subway like Rosie Ruiz.
I seriously would not be one bit surprised to find out he was never a seal either. His gross lack of character is an insult to such a great group of men.
13 posted on
05/04/2013 8:40:25 PM PDT by
(Sarah Palin got more votes in 2008 than Mitt Romney got in 2012)
To: topher
The media ginned up so much dissatisfaction with America’s healthcare system that people couldn’t imagine how it could get any worse. They’re about to find out.
19 posted on
05/04/2013 9:28:08 PM PDT by
To: topher
“What difference at this point does it make?”
20 posted on
05/04/2013 9:39:20 PM PDT by
Paleo Conservative
(Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get you.)
To: yongin; GOPsterinMA; AuH2ORepublican; BillyBoy; fieldmarshaldj; Perdogg; sickoflibs; randita
PPP poll has Markey up by only 44% to 40%.
Somewhat surprising but Markey is a lackluster d-bag.
Markey calls the RINO Gomez “Tea Party”, and also oxymoronically says Gomez wants to take us back to the Bush era. Which is it Markey? ;p
22 posted on
05/04/2013 10:30:10 PM PDT by
(All in favor of Harry Reid meeting Mr. Mayhem?)
To: topher
>> He is a former US Navy Seal.
And McCain is a war hero...
The guy is a conservative Democrat, and that’s certainly better than the Leftist he might replace.
27 posted on
05/04/2013 11:07:11 PM PDT by
Gene Eric
(The Palin Doctrine.)
To: topher
Gomez is an obvious turd, but he has my vote!
Any candidate with any prospect of defeating my congresscritter Ed Malarkey's promotion to the Senate has my vote.
32 posted on
05/04/2013 11:35:56 PM PDT by
To: topher
This won't happen. This is in Mass. where they vote for liberals. A Seal liberal won't cut it.
36 posted on
05/05/2013 4:26:10 AM PDT by
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
To: All
Informative thread. Thanks to all posters. The only positive here appears to be a potential to...vote ALL incumbents out ALL of the time. DEFUND/DISMANTLE incumbent/socialist collectives. Run, Gomez, run. Win, Gomez, win.
Has-been Markey has been around too long BUMP!
37 posted on
05/05/2013 5:32:51 AM PDT by
To: topher
Gomez will beat Malarkey!
To: topher
To: topher; GOPsterinMA; raccoonradio; Lonesome in Massachussets; SamAdams76; Boston Blackie
Just heard on WYHN 560 AM (Springfield, MA) that Markey is ahead of Gomez by 20 points, although I didn't catch what specific poll that was from.
Doesn't sound good for Gomez (yes, I know he's a RINO)...
73 posted on
06/22/2013 12:57:18 PM PDT by
(Rest in Peace, FReeper Extraordinaire Doctor Raoul...)
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