What about the child who may need to know who their biological father is? hmmmmm
I WISH that an EF5 Tornado would hit Des Moines and WHIPE it off of the map!
And when polygamy becomes law, how many names will go on birth certificates?
Well, in this day and age, I’d like to see a “partner”, spirtual, emotional or otherwise be potentially held legally responsible for a life they commit to being, transitioned or sustained in whatever manner in support of their deviate lifestyle.
I actually see this as a stakehold in repsponsibility that lashes the other, not child-bearing partner, to a potential financial responsibility other than the poor schmuck man they may or may not have tricked into their deviate schemes.
Bring it on! Make both of them carpet munchers responsible for that life they misdirected and probably ruined. I say good.
Put the turkey baster on there too then - it had more to do with the baby than the “other” “mother”.
Let me add that I believe no child should be put into this kind of setting. But then I worry more about the well being of the child than I do about the "fundamental rights" of her so called "parents".
Where do they list the sperm donor? After all, he is the biological father.
I guess the biological father doesn’t count..
This is going to really mess up genealogy research down the road. What they deem as “cute” or politically correct... roadblocks that child from finding out their true heritage or bloodline. Also, just gives them something else they can hate you for when they want answers to, “where is my Dad?”
It is also important that birth certificate follow scientific principles of reproduction and list the genetic parents from whom the offspring has sprung, a genetic paper trail, if you will, which may be valuable later in life in diagnosing disorders and charting mutations.
Poor kids. As if they don’t have enough crap in their lives.
Actually, Mackinzie is a bastard. All else is just window dressing, pig lipstick.
I've scoured our constitutions again and a again, and no matter how many times I look, the legislative branch is the only branch with lawmaking power given to it.
It did no such thing. Courts don't make laws. Iowa law to this day recognizes only real marriages.
And then a year later, the ‘father’ claims ‘that’s not my child and I dare you to prove that it is’!
What an evil, Frankensteinian thing to do to human beings.....denying the Truth and Natural Law and artificially constructing an irrational reality for a child so he can not grow up in a realistic world. Always governed by “feelings” and never reaching maturity where Reason rules the emotions.
How evil and dehumanizing and selfish are these Marxists.
And to think we have a ‘Justice” system that denies Natural Laws (Science) and Reality and Truth. It is disgusting and evil and unconstitutional.
All Just Law has to be Right Reason.
so be "married" you stupid idiots but you can't both claim parentage....its biologically impossible....
let this be a lesson...never let a dtr or niece or anyone female you know give up their baby to just anybody....make sure the child gets to a normal home with a normal marriage...
This is quite literally a coup d’etat. The overturning of our republican form of representative self-government.
And the Republican “leadership” is complicit.
I’m so mad I could spit nails.
This is Varnum II.
Deeper into the abyss.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
ON the subject of ‘deep abyss’.
I understand that since MD has instituted/passed/signed the ‘do funny marriage bill’ that come 1JAN if a ‘couple’ are partners and NOT MARRIED, they will revert to just another shack up and will not be able to share bennies UNTIL they get married.
Watch the FALLOUT from this little act.
Not only will ‘they’ be suing because the state is FORCING them to marry, once they WIN (and surely they will) the regular shack ups will declare that since the ‘do funnys’ can share bennies without getting married, then the straight shack ups should get bennies also.
And figure that not soon after, conventional room mates (as we know them..share house/apt etc WITH NO SEX INVOLVED) will be clamoring to get in on the act.
SO FAR this just is for State Employees BUT you can imagine the rest of the state will attempt to follow suit. (Dependent on who ‘benefits’ from it).
These new rules are making my hairline ache.