Maybe we should round up a bunch of confused youths and cloward and piven Duke University because 100% of their new students want a “add a dictomy”.
I wonder how the Libs would feel about having their own sick tactics used against them.?
Just wonder does that include Duke University Health Systems because in 2012 the State of Michigan approved the sale of Marquette General Health Hospital to be part of Duke University health Systems. Marquette is a teaching hospital and a Level 1 trauma Center. (I am not kidding about Duke University purchasing a hospital in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan).
This is weird, but may explain some weird charges showing up on my Marquette General Hospital bill (A Duke University Health Systems Facility) that i do not understand. The billing comes from Illinois - outsourced their medical billing to another state.
I’m so proud to be a Duke Med alum ... NOT.
Word about this gets out and Duke will have the largest “transgender” population in the country. Fees will really have to increase then!
From Rush on April 1st - Medicare and Addadictomy, Chopadickoffamy Surgery
So, if they go through a sex change from a male to a female and then find that they were just emotional, made the incorrect original decision, and change their mind, will duke pay for the second sex change back to the original sex???
What hath GOD wrought?
And what about the hormones you need to take for life?
Oh yeah... There's Obamacare for that! But it's not going to cost you one more cent and you can keep your present policy.... (yeah, right)