What a nerve for these little known groups to be running ads and speaking for conservatives. They DON'T speak for me, no way, no how.
And "The Tea Party groups are split over the issue".....show me the source for this statement thrown out as fact. Two people interviewed doesn't make a poll. And how does an amorphous entity like the Tea Party get polled, anyhow!
Led by Rubio it appears that many faux conservatives and faux conservative groups are being set in motion to get a bill rammed through that will destroy the Republican party for the unforeseeable future, make it impossible to find well-paying employment, and skyrocket welfare and other entitlement payouts to impossible proportions.
Yep, we're being destroyed from within, alright....even from within so-called "conservative" groups who look on Rubio as an idol and are rallying around him to protect and promote him like he is the Simon Bolivar of North America.
See post 27
Okay, about Americans for a ‘Conservative’ Direction...financed by the LEFT!!!!!! Isn’t it time to admit we’ve been SOLD OUT!!!????
To be Clear About Mark Zuckerbergs Americans for a Conservative Direction
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | April 24th, 2013 at 11:35
I just want to be clear about about the new front group for the Gang of Eights immigration proposal on the right, Americans for a Conservative Direction.
The group, funded by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, is perfectly entitled to set up this group. A good bit of the center-right coalition supports the issue.[snip]
I QUIT facebook over Zuckerberg coming out for amnesty....I should have known Norquist/Conda were behind it.