But at first glance, I'm not seeing the baby stroller; I just found these photos online.
Folks, please look them over and comment.
Let's solve this thing, despite Obama's BENGHAZI / FORT HOOD efforts to dismiss islamic murder and blame America for moslem violence.
This time, let's not allow Omoslem to blame jihad on a "YouTube video."
I am sure that the president will learn who is responsible for this horrible attack and apologize to them.
He is just useless!
BM later
Great post. Thanks for your work. Thanks, Arthur Hu! BTTT!
When I clicked on your link to the story I received a red warning from McAfee that the site was dangerous.
I don’t advise anyone to go there.
They the Feds know who is responsible, but they are more than likely playing dumb as if otherwise there is probably some tenuous connection to Obama.
The the Ft Hood shooter who was part of Obamas election team.
Folks, let’s get busy on these photos. Anything suspicious, and do you see those “Saudis” in these other photos?
How disgusting! People are using racial profiling...!</sarc>
More commentary from Robert Spencer and the outstanding posters at jihadwatch...
SAVAGE radio interview of Walid Shoebat (former jihadi) who analyzes Boston Marathon bombing AND explains Obama’s ties to Wahhabi islam.
Fascinating and scary.
Here’s my other theory (2 angles on different suspicious pair):
However, I said it elsewhere, this is a SHTF moment for Obama and his whole admin.
This is not like Ft Hood, Time Square Bobm, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, etc. This is brand new, that IEDs could be placed here and successfully carried out. Unknown bomber(s) on the loose, who knows where/when other IEDs will strike HERE in the States.
Not even with the whole media trying to COVER UP for him. If JournoList/innate pundits foul up this time, they would know backlash like never before.
Public will want Obama to shift his priorities.
I agree and said pretty much the same thing yesterday. If we can’t get honest answers from the people who are supposed to be protecting us, then we the people will investigate.
Photos from right above the area!
Linked to from:
Another thread showed a guy in an arctic jacket and knit cap fussing with a baby stroller near the blast site, despite the fact that it was a pretty warm day in N.E.
I guess if you were a native of the sand box who had just gotten off a plane to help plant a bomb it might seem cold, but otherwise...
Years ago I went to see Lord of the Rings at a theater. It was after 911. There were two Middle Eastern men with a baby stroller. No women anywhere. The baby was not visible under a blanket, never moved or made a peep. I kept thinking why are two guys at a theater with a baby? Where are the moms? I called the FBI. See something, say something.
I’m waiting for this admin and obama to twist this like they did in fast and furious, Libya, FT Hood etc.
Obama has been missing since he gave his non emotional response.
Exactly how on earth is obama after all he has done still on power, it’s like Holder and his racist agenda who are still there and why is the hell doesn;t the GOP get some balls for once, just once
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
As I’m taking all of this in, it struck me: “what happened to the North Korea story?” Watch what the other hand is doing scenario?