It does say he can do this, if the SecDef says it is in our national security interest to do so. Why the heck is that even in the law? Do we have secret Russian agents writing our defense bills?
I wouldn’t think buying Russian weapons would be in our interest. We won’t be able to support those machines, and it is putting money (that we supposedly don’t have) in Russia’s military.
Obama spends any time he is not vacationing either trying to further bankrupting us, or trying to restrict our rights. Maybe we should just encourage him to stay on vacation all the time. It would be less costly for us, even though he wastes a lot on his entertainment.
More like not so secret.
How else is cash strapped Russia going to obtain the working Capitol to support all of the R&D efforts and to hire the the engineering and technical people to modernize their aerospace industrial base and fund their next generation of Russian attack helicopters ?
The Russians currently are producing obsolete helos and they have to get ready to have state of the art helos for the next war and they have lots of unemployed people to take care of. Not to mention they are losing revenue and world power due to their inability to market state of the art aircraft able to compete with the united states. If the contract were let to an American company all the nearly billion dollars would be spent to provide jobs for Americans and would help develop American aerospace technology, and would keep American aerospace companies in business during hard times