Posted on 03/27/2013 10:45:06 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, issued some words of advice for fellow GOPers: Get in the 21st century with same-sex-marriage issues.
We do have a platform, and we adhere to that platform, Mr. Priebus said in a USA Today video. But it doesnt mean that we divide and subtract people from our party who favor gay marriage.
I dont believe we need to act like Old Testament heretics, he said in the USA Today video. Rather, Republicans have to strike a balance between principle and grace and respect.
His statements come as the U.S. Supreme Court is due to hear two cases on gay marriage one on a California-voted ban on same-sex marriage, and the other on the legalities of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bans the federal government from giving marriage benefits to same-sex couples.
His statements also come at a time when politicians from both sides of the political aisle are renouncing their past objections to gay marriage. On the Republican side, Sen. Rob Portman an Ohio conservative with traditional values just flipped on gay marriage, in part, he said, because of the recent revelations of homosexuality by one of his sons.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh, and as for “Jesus’ thinking would have evolved”:
Matthew 5:17-19
17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Amen...if he would just look at the “numbers” he would take the “Popular” route, which would be for the Bible instead of against it.
So....that leaves us with a question. WHY would this person side with 2% of the population, deny his heritage, antagonize his political base, and assure his own destruction?
The evil one has taken hold in all our institutions.
He lost me at “if Jesus were alive”, the rest was just icing.
Watch your language or I’ll report you to... oh wait
Can I be first to use it for a new tagline?
It does evidently mean, though, that you ostracize those from the Republican Party who favor God's view of marriage.
I got your hint, Reince.
Gabriel... we need you now!
I should have added that there are some or many who are not sure if it is really a choice, or a part of their being as a minority as Dem claim(like being black), but they just see it as a 'freedom' (who cares what they do?) thing, like I bet Rand+Ron Paul and many of his zealots do.
That is how you get poll numbers that range from 60% to 80% over special stuff for a 2% of population.
By the way, being a protected victim minority like black is not about appearance, its about their orientation. Al Sharpton is a protected minority with all the rights to accuse others, but Dr Ben Carson is not because he is not oriented correctly being a conservative.
So given that, gays have a special protected status as a mminority under the 14th make perfect sense. that allows them the 'right' to demand the courts re-write marriage laws and accuse you of being a bigot for opposing it.
Hey Reince!
I think it’s only fair to point out to the moslems that the packers claim mohammed was one of them.
Preach it bro.
That is why I “question” that 2% of the population to begin with.
Or put it this way, you do not find in the Bible God saying “sorry” for destroying both Sodom and Gomorah.
Things have changed since those days. The courts would rule that unconstitutional now 5 to 4.
The good news is the Obama-care mandate is constitutional/
I heard that, it left me incredulous!
To all my FB friends, please note that I have un- friended those of you who have shown support for homosexuals and homosexual marriage. Should any of my remaining friends take umbrage with my decision in re-affirming this stand against homosexuality, please take the time to "un-friend" me and save me the effort and angst of losing another friend who has self-sacrificed to the Father of Lies on the altar of "21st Century-With-it-ness."
I am afraid you are right. Scripture teaches that homosexuality is not like other sins. According to Romans 1, it is a sin brought about as an act of God's judgment against nations which have **ALREADY** abandoned God.
I've written recently on the homosexual issue in this thread (posts 45 and 46) with regard to former lesbian Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield:
Dr. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s example should remind conservative Freepers that the people who are today our bitter enemies can sometimes still be won over for the truth.
We need to remember that and treat our enemies accordingly. Yes, we need to fight with passion and fire, knowing that the people fighting us truly **ARE** fighting to destroy what we value, and need to be opposed with every tool at our disposal.
However, we need to use those tools appropriately and wisely. Sometimes we use a meat cleaver when we need a surgeon's scalpel, and we do tremendous damage as a result. Some of the things said in conservative circles simply are not appropriate and go beyond what should be said by Christians.
As Republicans, we need to be careful how we handle this issue. Homosexuality is not an issue on which we can compromise. It's not like earmarking or term limits, on which there are people on both sides of the issues who have valid arguments.
It is not possible to advocate for homosexuality and be on God's side. It just isn't. There is no room for compromise here.
There is, however, a need to reach out to individuals who, in many cases, are in some very deep personal pain and have a lot of hurt inside them.
Personal conversion can and does change people. Apart from that, there is no longer any hope of winning this culture war.
Even so, I still question, no doubt.
Plus that goes way beyond any court, to a much greater or higher power to judge.
Was it homosexuality that destroyed both Sodom and Gomorrah?
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