when will someone get a set and ask why did obama go to sleep as those attacks took place, why did he lie , why did he go to Vegas?
Hell just going back to bed while Americans were being killed is an impeachable offence and yet F-NOTHING
Sick of this crap, liberatarians and liberals speak at CPAC, vote in our primary, tell us to change to suit their views, told we are boring and for the rich.
Let liebral do our debates
and we allow a media which lies all the time about us while they cover for their messiah.
Infact do we all have stickers, about how crap obama is and how the media lies, do we all speak up to neighbors, family, friends about obama, the thuggery of his, the homsoexual NAZI thuggery and their feces agenda and what marriage is.
Do we all speak up write mail to not just our own congress man and senator, do we calla nd send mail to the lying B/S media?
If we don;t then it;s no surprise we are where we are.
Yes at least I do. However the stupid, non responsive answers McCain sends back and the fact that the Tucson RED STAR won't even consider publishing my letters tells me as much as I need to know about where the Marxists and their fellow travelers want this nation to go. See my tag.