He’s a great senator but its way too early to even think about the presidency anyway. I’ll cross the eligibility bridge when I get to it.
Just stop!
Senator Ted Cruz is headed to be the Republican Leader of the US Senate for about 30 years.
Should he lower himself to be POTUS, he would be there for 4 or 8 years.
Do the math!
Let the man do the job at hand!
If Obama was eligible to be POTUS with a US citizen mother and foreign national father and having Indonesian citizenship Cruz is eligible.
Well, then there is thousands of US citizens around the world who were ‘created’ by tourist and servicemen. Absurd.
***This says Cruz’s father had not yet become a citizen when he was born in Canada. I had read that he had become one. But this case, from Cruz’s spokesman, is based on the mother being a natural born American citizen - and I believe, at least 18 years of age. All this is saying is that “natural born citizen” means a citizen at birth, as opposed to a citizen by naturalization. It also implies that the problem comes if your birth mother isn’t a citizen, the problem doesn’t come from being born on a soil other than American, and also implies that the father’s citizenship at time of your birth is not controlling...***
(But of course there are those who will dispute this view.)
Yes. But he is a “white” hispanic. Not qualified.
Only by those that wish to subvert the Constitution, and those that can't seem to read plain English.
Maybe he was born an American citizen but hes not a NBC and hes not eligible to be POTUS
Cruz has nearly the same status that Obama has...
Obama(if he WAS born in Hawaii) has more...
If not they are the same...
American citizen Mom, non-American Dad, born in another country...
What are we trying to do here ???
Validate Obama ???
Way to go e-GOP...
The Democrats will win in 2014 over this junk...
I was really hoping that something would happen to keep these nutjobs actively participating in mental gymnastics. God forbid this issues goes away. Just imagine what damage could be done if birthers applied their exacerbated logical analysis to something that actually affects real life.
If Obama’s (half) black ass can be the POTUS with an African father, so can Ted!
His spokesman, Sean Rushton, should familiarize himself with the Constitution. I like what Cruz is doing so far, but that doesn’t make him any more eligible for POTUS than the current ineligible POTUS.
PhonyCons need to wake up and realize Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen....he was born in Canada.....end of story
The Dems would make this an issue if Cruz ran for President. You are terribly naive and probably Obama Supporter and Anti Birther to think Dems would not do such
Byron York is just another PhonyCon liberal
Ok, I’m reading a lot of the replies with a growing sense of frustration. Most of the opinions being shared here are just that, opinions!
People who truly want to understand the issue will do the research and not only READ what the Constitution says, they will track down the origins of the term “natural born citizen”, understand those origins as well as understanding the various court rulings that have addressed this issue.
I have done extensive research on this topic, including following the paths I have just outlined above. Because I don’t want to be caught in the middle of a pi$$ing contest between birthers and non-birthers, I am not going to offer my understanding of “natural born citizen” based on my research.
If you really want to know what you are talking about, do some research. The information is available.
Let Senator Cruz represent the Great State of Texas and let God guide his thoughts and provide the wisdom needed to seperate the evil from the good.
May our prayers be with him on his struggle towards the goal of ridding our Constitutional Republic of the Usurpers and Tyrants that are housed within the District of Columbia.
In our Fathers name we pray, Amen.
He is still not NBC
I’m at the point where I don’t care, if Obama can be President, then so can Cruz.
Is the rumor true that Cruz was actually born in Kenya and then rushed into Hawaii?
I do believe he is eligible to be be President of the Republic of Texas (and I will Vote for him)